Ellen and Elle

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  • Chapter 1: Ellen's Introduction

    -two weeks before college
  • Chapter 2: Elle's Introduction

    -6 days before college
  • Chapter 3: Ellen goes to LA

    -packing up and driving to LA
    -moving in and getting to know Elle
  • Chapter 4: Elle is trans

    -explanation of trans issues, family background
    -getting to know Ellen, bonding time
  • Chapter 5: College Life

    -life changes, everyone's adjusting to Ellen being gone
    -new college routine, life update on that too
    -staying home over fall break
    -Megan starts acting weird
  • Chapter 6: Girl Troubles

    -Elle has his period
    -lots of snuggling
    -Janet ignores Elle
    -first time fort bonding
    -Megan gets weirder
  • Chapter 7: Ellen's "Lethargy"

    -Ellen's history of depression
    -first time stargazing
    -still girl troubles
    -going home for Thanksgiving
    -Thanksgiving break
    -Megan is still weird, also dramatic crying
    -saying bye to Megan
  • Chapter 8: Elle's Thanksgiving

    -recap on Elle's Thanksgiving
    -all the family dramz
    -all the Janet dramz
  • Chapter 9: Ellen More Depressed

    -recap on Ellen's depression
    -Landon talk
    -things with Megan even worse
    -Elle being cute, cheering her up
    -Megan acting weirdest
  • Chapter 10: Elle, Christmas Break Part I

    -introducing the Leslie plot
    -stargazing again
    -things with Megan just sad now
    -Christmas Break
    -chat with Leslie
    -Ellen finds out Megan is a cheating whore
  • Chapter 11: Ellen Is Mad

    -Jun talk
    -Manic Pixie Dream Girl characterization
    -rest of her Christmas Break
    -very sad airport Jun scene, so touching, great characterization, strong strong
    -awkward airport kiss
  • Chapter 12: Elle deals with Ellen

    -Ellen wants to get that booty
    -Elle has an erection
    -Ellen throws herself into school work
    -Elle gets the ace pussy
  • Chapter 13: Ellen Ponders Everything

    -best chapter yiss this is mah baby
    -Ellen's endless internal monologue
    -fashback to childhood memory with Jun, cute pictures where no one cries
    -pining after Megan
    -awkward scene where she catches Elle and Leslie
    -more bipolar (forgets time, intense violin, no attention span, no sleeping or eating, Elle and Liam suspicious)
  • Chapter 14: Elle Deals With Bipolar Ellen

    -crazy shit going down
    -correspondence with Anna
    -Ellen buys lots of shoes
    -Leslie is worried about Elle
    -Ellen out of control, stargazing, lucid line about not going back home because of Megan
    -Ellen kisses Elle again
    -Ellen won't stop playing the violin, brilliant composition
    -Elle will be there for Ellen in her craziness
  • Chapter 15: Ellen Is Losing It

    -complete craziness
    -goes to store, fucks guy
    -masturbates in front of Elle
    -Elle gets her off
    -craziness intensifies
  • Chapter 16: Elle Overwhelmed

    -talk with Jun
    -Elle can't figure out what's wrong or how to help
    -cheating feelings
    -Ellen goes designer on her shirts
    -dem is fuckin everywhere
  • Chapter 17: Ellen Gone

    -Ellen completely loses it
  • Chapter 18: Elle At The Hospital

    -meeting Liam and Jun
    -bipolar explanation
    -Leslie and Elle kinda break up
    -Ellen still completely insane
    -three weeks later Ellen slowly becoming lucid again
  • Chapter 19: Ellen Last Chapter

    -we all know what happened there right?
    -everything more or less figured out
    -dey still fuckin