Becoming Apart of Cover Girl
on January 1 2008 Ellen Degeneres was named the new face of CoverGirl cosmetics. This was a stepping stone in Ellen's carrier because Ellen finally got to share how she sees beauty in a positive message. (p.5) -
Getting Rid of Stuff You Don't Need
Ellen mentions in her book that it is important to get rid stuff that you do not need/use anymore. This is an important lesson to learn because by de-cluttering in your life you feel better mentally, your more organized and you can make extra money by selling items that are not used. (p.13) -
Living Everyday Like It's Your Last
Ellen shares that by living everyday like it is your last you are able to focus, find success in life and find your true happiness. Ellen talks about why it is so important to be living in present time, she explains to her readers that life is so precious that it can be taken from you with a snap a finger.(p.27) -
Being Judgmental Is Not A Good Quality To Have
Ellen shares her experience on becoming an American Idol fan. she didn't overly like the experience to much because she had to rip a persons dream away and be brutally honest and that just wasn't her thing. This is important because sometimes you have to new things to realize it may not be for you.(p.77) -
Why Label And Stereotypes Need To Stop
In this chapter Ellen talks about how labels and stereotypes have had a negative impact on her life. She talks about how humans have a never ending cycle of judging one another. She explains that she loves who she is and that she wouldn't change it for the world. This is an important topic to hear about because our world needs to do a better job at excepting everyone for who they are.(p.93) -
Don't Be Lazy
Ellen shares her thoughts and opinions about being lazy and why someone should never be lazy. Ellen feels that if you want to be successful in life, it is not just going to be given to you. If you want something you have to get off your feet and put in the hard work to be successful.(p.129) -
Face to Face Communication Is Key
In this chapter Ellen tells the reader about her memories as a child and what an exiting experience it was to have a pen pal and be able to have face to face conversations with her friends.This is important to hear because their is a lost of communication in today's society. Everything is over screens and so many lost emotions,messages and feelings are not getting through. The lesson here is to spend the time and energy in learning how to communicate face to face again.(p.137) -
Lets All Be Deep Thinkers
In this chapter Ellen shares her opinions about the different type of thinkers there are in this world. She explains that their has to be more people that think about how their actions will not only affect others but how it will impact our world. This is an important lesson to learn because we only have one world and it is our job to take care of it.(p.159) -
Just Be Straight Up Honest
This chapter is all about honesty. Ellen goes into a big long rant about why can't people just be honest with one another. Ellen explains that when you lie your voice goes up many octaves that's how you can tell if someone lies to you. This is an important lesson for her readers because it encourages them to just be straight up honest and to say it how they feel.(p.165) -
Just Be Happy
This is one of the most important lessons that Ellen talks about because she tells the readers that she learned that life is too short to not be happy. She tells the readers that the only way you will truly be happy with yourself is to accept your self for who you are. It is important to surround yourself with the right people and change negative thoughts in to positive thoughts and to always move forward in life.(p.169)