EXPOSITION: The Island prasise there great leader for coming up with a sentense that contains all the letter in the alphabet. "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." ~Page 1 -
Letter Z falls
RISING ACTION: The letter Z falls off of the statue, resulting in the banishment of the use of the letter Z. "I do not know, yet any child eight and older who speaks or writes a word containing the letter "Z"" ~Page 13 -
High Council
RISING ACTION:The High Council makes the decision to abolish the use of the letter that has fallen. in other words, you can't use any word with that letter in it, not in speaking nor in writing. "...will receive the same penalty as would an adult." ~Page 13 -
Letter Q falls
RISING ACTION: The letter Q falls off of the statue, resulting in the banishment of the use of the letter Q. "The tile upon which was etched the letter "q"." ~Page 26 -
Nate Warren
RISING ACTION: A sociologist from the University of Georgia write Tassie and asks if he can come to Nollopville and do an interview. "Dear Ms. Purcy, My name is Nate Warren...Sincerely, Nate Warren" ~Page 44 -
Letter J falls
RISING ACTION: The letter J falls off of the statue, resulting in the banishment of the use of the letter J. "And honor his wishes by removing "J" with jubilation" ~Page 56 -
Letter D falls
RISING ACTION: The letter D falls off of the statue, resulting in the banishment of the use of the letter D. "...the absence of the letter "D"- which leaves us at midnight tonight" ~Page 70 -
RISING ACTION: Agnes Prather commits his third violation, resulting in him to report to a meeting in the morning. This meeting will most likely reult in his banishment. ""Banishment for me..." a letter-combination containing one of the four graphemes presently unavaliable for your use per Council Statute 28-42." Page 88 -
RISING ACTION: The High Counsil is in full agreement with the challenge. The challenge is if anyone in the town can come up with a sentence less than 35 letters that contains all the letters in the alphabet then everyone will be free and allowed to come back. "The best news of all: the Council is in full agreement with the challenge" ~Page 99 -
Letter F falls
RISING ACTION:The letter F falls off of the statue, resulting in the banishment of the use of the letter F. "F leaves us tonight." ~Page 111 -
Many letters fall
RISING ACTION: The letters K, O, B, E, C, U, V, T, R, H, and the other O all fall off of the statue. -
All Letters in one
CLIMAX: "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs," is what Ella comes up with to save the town. "Would you mind doing one last thing for me? Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs?" ~Page 197 -
High Council
FALLING ACTION: They recieve news that the high council accepts their sentence. "On behalf of the High Council, I accept your sentence." ~Page 203 -
Ella did it
FALLING ACTION: Ella, the only one who remains figures out a sentense containing all 26 letters. This could be considered inronic because her name is Ella Minnow Pea, and the only remaining letter on the statue are L, M, N, O, and P. "Here is the sentence you require, delivered prior to your deadline imposed by the High Council, with three whole hours to spare" ~Page 201 -
Letter to the family
RESOLUTION: Ella writes to her family telling them all that this is finially resolved.
"Dear Mum, Pop, Mittie, and desar cousin Tassie...Love, Ella Minnow Pea" ~Page 204-206