Queen Elizabeth I

  • Sep 7, 1533

    Elizabeth's birth

    Elizabeth's birth
    Queen Elizabeth was born September 7, 1533 at Greenwich Palace. The daughter of Henry VI and Anne Boleyn. (Coffman 81)
  • Nov 29, 1533


    Pizarro captures Inca capital in Peru.
  • May 19, 1536

    Mothers death

    Mothers death
    On may 1 1536, Elizabeth's mother Anne Boleyn is executed. Because she was execudted Elizabeth was keft untilted like her older sister Mary. Anne was born on 1501 at Hever, United Kingdom.
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Japan Markets

    Japan Markets
    In japan trading monopolies end in a free market begins.
  • May 21, 1539


    In 1539, De Soto explors the southeast this is now know as The U.S. While in 1540 Coronado explore the southwest U.S. Both very known explores back then.
  • Jan 1, 1541

    John knox

    John knox
    John knox leads reformation in Scotland. He established persbyterian church there. The Church of Scotland traces its roots back to the beginnings of Christianity in Scotland.
  • Jan 1, 1541


    Spanish conquistador arrived in new Mexico.New Mexico is based on both archeological evidence. Plus,attesting to varying cultures of humans occupying the area of New Mexico.
  • Jan 1, 1547


    Ivan lv("The Terrible") is crowned as czar of Russia. Later he battled nobles(boyars) for power. Also, he killed his son.
  • Jan 1, 1553

    Mary becomes Queen

    Mary becomes Queen
    King Henry dies and Elizabeth's half sister, Mary becomes Queen Mary I. When Mary dies the next person to become Queen would be Elizabeth.

  • Jan 1, 1554

    Elizabeths inprisotion

    Elizabeths inprisotion
    Princes Elizabeth was inprisotion for because she was involved with relies rebeleins . Mary and Elizabeth were different religions. Mary was catholic and persecutes all protestants while in power. Since Elizabeth was protestants she was imprisoned.
    (Technological Solutions, Inc.)
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Becomes Queen

    Becomes Queen
    On 1558 that was the day that Queen Elizabeth became the new Queen of England. She became Queen at the age of 25, when her sister Mary became ill in may 1558.
  • Jan 1, 1570

    Cathlic Church

    Cathlic Church
    According to the Roman Catholic Church, Queen Elizabeth I's birth was illegitimate. Her father, Henry VIII of England broke away from the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. After the Pope excommunicated Henry in 1533 over his divorce from Catherine of Aragon.
  • Nov 6, 1578

    Elizabthe helps the dutch

    Elizabthe helps the dutch
    Queen Elizabeth sends 20,000 pounds to aid the Dutch.
  • Revolt

    She sends English army back to protest revolts in the Netherlands. Elizabeth takes the Netherlands under her protection.The Revolt of the Spanish Netherlands led to the collapse of Spain as a major European power.
  • Spanish Amada

    Spanish Amada
    The Spanish Amada was a massive fleet dispatched against England by Spain's Catholic King Philip II.
    (Phillips 114)
  • Japan and Shakespear

    Japan and Shakespear
    Leyasu rules japan. he moved the capital to Edo, also knowm as Tokyo. Also, shakespears hamlet was written.
  • Elizabeth's death

    Elizabeth's death
    The death of Queen Elizabeth died at Richmond Palace on March 24, 1603. She was succeeded by her cousin James VI of Scotland as James I of England and Ireland.
    (Coffman 81)