Sep 7, 1533
Elizabeth I was born on September 7, 1533 in Greenwich Palace. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, his second wife. Elizabeth's birth was an exciting time in 16th century European history. Elizabeth was a surprise because everybody thought would be a prince, turned out to be a princess. (Ancestry.com) -
Apr 1, 1559
Supreme Governor
Acts of Supremecy and Uniformity establish Elizabeth as supreme governor of the Church of England. Elizabeth was appointed to complete control of the Church of England. (Phillips, Charles) -
May 1, 1565
Knights Defend the Turks
Knights of St. John defended Malta from the Turks. The knights held out the Turks long enough which forced the Turks to abandon the seige. (The Book of World Events) -
Jan 1, 1567
Japanese Nobunaga deposes the current Shogunate. Later, Nobunaga centralizes Japanese government. (The Book of World Events) -
Jan 1, 1568
Mary, Queen of Scots, Elizabeth's cousin was imprisoned by Elizabeth because Mary acted as a threat to Elizabeth. To eliminate the threat by Mary, Elizabeth imprisoned her. (Phillips, Charles) -
Jan 1, 1569
Catholic Uprising
Catholic uprising in Northern England. Elizabeth grew up Roman Catholic and atteded a Roman Catholic Church. With all the uprising, Elizabeth chnged the official religion of England to Protestantism. (Phillips, Charles) -
Jan 1, 1569
Poland Unites
Sigismund II of Poland unites Poland with Lithuania. After these two unite, it becomes the Union of Lublin. (The Book of World Events) -
Jun 2, 1572
Elizabeth had The Duke of Norfolk executed because he made a plot to despose Elizabeth. The Duke of Norfolk saw Elizabeth as a threat so he tried to despose her. When Elizabeth found out, she executed him due to risk factor. (Phillips, Charles) -
Jan 1, 1573
Chinese Dynasties
Wan-Li of China wins the Mandate of Heaven and starts the reign of a 13 emperor of Ming Dynasty in China. (The Book of World Events) -
Sep 26, 1580
World Navigation
One of Elizabeth's subjects, Francis Drake, completes circumnavigation of the world. Many other countries and people have attempted this, but very few came to be successful. (Phillips, Charles) -
England set out for their first colony in the 'New World'. This first oversea colony was named Virginia. Elizabeth spomsored the establishment of the new colony as well as Sir Francis Drake's world voyage. (Great Kat) -
Revolts in the Netherlands
Roman Catholic Netherlands were revolting into Protestantism. Roman Catholic Spain tried to stop these revolts while Protestant England tried to help out these revolts. The Netherlands eventually revolted entirely into Protestantism. (Phillips, Charles) -
Defating the Spanish Armada
The Spanish Armada was a fleet assembled and sent ou by King Phillip II of Spain in attempt to invade England in 1588. His attempt was unsuccessful. King Phillip, the leader of the Roman Catholic Spain, was not able to stop a revolt in of his Protestant people in the Netherlands, a revolt which was being led by England. (Phillips, Charles) -
Hideyashi of Japan fails an invasion of Korea, who had been rivals for many years. This fail of invasion was a huge disappointment to the Chinese. (The Book of World Events) -
Decrees of Folembray end the war of Catholic League in France. This had been a very long, rutheless war. (The Book of World Events) -
Queen Elizabeth I died on March 24, 1603 at the age of 69 in Richmond Palace, Surrey. The popular queen, who was underestimated by being female, made England into a dominating world power. Elizabeth was buried in Westminster Abbey. (Great Kat)