3.1- Personal Fable
That's when I had my first personal journal where I kept my feelings and thoughts in the book. So therefore, that's when my adolescent egocentrism began, because when I was upset or angry, I will rant towards my personal journal and felt that no one else understand me but except for my personal journal. -
6.2 Stimulation
I appreciate stimulation in friendships, this makes me think of having a best friend who lived in California, and we would talk to each other everyday through videophone and we visited each other every summers. We enjoyed chatting for hours and hours to share different kind of information. That's stimulation and excitement because it involves traveling as well. -
7.1 Transition to High School
I was in 8th grade at that time, according to the textbook, it says that during this transition, it's more likely to have some changes in responsibility and school environment. I increased my responsibility and decided to move to a boarding school (a institutional school for the deaf) and became a dorm student which I gained some independency. Also I met new friends since it was a new school and gained my opportunities by participating some academic activities and sports. -
1.1 Entering Adolescence
I was thirteen at that time, I do believe that this month is when I became a teenager because that's when I started to discover my identity and decided to come out to my parents at this month. Then I began to coming out to my friends and I started got my first period as well. Also not just that, I started to staying up late nights and doing what I like such as computer games, watching horror movies, and just being on my phone and chatting with my friends. -
2.2 Niche-picking
I would believe this stage began for me when I moved to a residential school where I had to make some choices on my own, I created my own environment to adapt in by playing sports and be friended with others who played sports as well. Also that's when I had my first mobile phone so I felt that I was making some choices on my own. -
4.2- Non-gender typed behavior
This date is when I was around at the age 12, I loved to hang out with boys and I enjoyed playing flag football with them so I was pretty aggressive in general and I liked physical activities. According to the textbook, I remembered myself enjoying engage in report talk because I was hanging out with boys so we would tell each other jokes and funny stories. -
2.1- Typical maturer
I was a typical maturer since my puberty began to develop when I was 13 years old, that's when I got my first menstrual cycle, and my body image began to develop into a female body. As when my puberty hits, I started to question my body image, self-esteem, and also starting to question my identity and sexual attraction as well. Not just that, my mood swings also increased than usual due to hormonal changes during the puberty years. -
6.3 Ego Support
I also appreciate ego support in friendships. This makes me think of this event. That's when I played sports with a close friend of mine so we would support each other by giving feedbacks or compliments on our athletics skills to improve and empower each other. -
3.2- Abstraction
At this time, I would be fourteen years old, and this time would be fitting because that's when I find it very difficult to describe something about myself. In any type of icebreaker activities, they would ask me to write down three things to describe about myself. At that time, it would take me several minutes to think and write it down. But yet I would describe myself something that I usually or enjoy doing such as a caring person. -
3.3- Social Comparison
That's when I got more 'teenager-er', and I was a high school student at that time so I would constantly comparing myself with my peers with what they have and I have. I would compare my peers and my academic levels, different kind of sport skills, and even puberty/body image. -
4.1- Gender-typed behavior
Even though when I was a teenager I didn't exactly behave as my gender in my teenager years but this date is when I was in high school where I had a class with several other students. The majority in the classroom were boys and I was one of few girls in the classroom. According to the textbook, it says that girls are more likely to take academics more serious than boys. Which it's true, I do take assignments, lectures, and projects seriously comparing than my boys classmates. -
7.3- Intrinsic Motivation
This was one of examples where my intrinsic motivation showed in this phase when I decided to transfer to another school in another state which I had to move there. But that was a decision made on my own and it was for the best so I felt more motivated and 'I have the duty" to do better in academics and invest in my assignments way better than before. Not just in academics, but I also thrived in athletics as well. In the end, I graduated with several honors, and top scholar-athlete in my school. -
8.1- Rite of Passage
I grew up in an American family so we don't have any culture rituals to practice on but I would say my high school graduation is my rite of passage like many other adolescents who also raised in the United States. I came with a realization that I'm becoming an adult and going to have more responsibilities by going to college myself. At that time, I was motivated and so ready to be independent and learn as much as I can! -
7.2 Transition to College
This was when I began my college years as a freshman, that's when I began to question about life and what do I want to do in future which it leads to depression. Also my curiosity have been increased by wanting to travel around the world and 'discover myself'. Also the textbook says that the students are more likely to feel grown up in this phase but experience more stress and depressed, which it's true because I'm still discovering myself so I'm full of questions. -
1.2 Emerging Adulthood
According to the textbook, I think I'm started going into the emerging adulthood when I turned 21, because it's where I started to be self-focused and still feeling-in-between. Since I'm a college student so I'm still partly financially dependent. I'm still feeling very young and reckless but yet I do want to get focused with things such as career, place of my own, partnership, and maybe a family? So I'm kind of stuck in between so I don't consider myself as an adult but I'm emerging into it. -
6.1- Parent adolescent conflict
According to the textbook, it mentions about going away to college and feel uneasy about "leaving" your parents. I don't exactly have any parent/adolescent conflict like other immigrant families or etc. However, it was pretty easy for me to go to college because I knew I will go back during summers. But now I'm still a college student and just started considering to move in with my sister and to start my independence but now I do feel worry and wonder would they be okay or bored without me.