Elis Island- Hattie Ryan

  • My Birthday

    I am currently in the country of Ireland on my 21st birthday. My parents are ecstatic to have recieved news that my husband, Peter, has payed for two tickets, for him and myself to immigrate to America. Peter and I dock in Ellis Island in 7 days. My parents however are very unwealthy so therefore they dont have the money to pay for any tickets.I will miss them deeply. I am also an only child, and this will remain the same because my parents dont have the capuability to provide for another child.
  • They have the right to examine me

    I have currently docked in Ellis Island, I have butterflys in my stomach with the amount of nervous tension streaming through my body. I am overjoyed to be in America. I am determined to better my life in America. However, before I may do so I must pass inspection. Inspection is brutal, if I dont get cleared my hopes for a better life in America are demolished. I pray that I will pass.
  • Ellis Island Inspection

    I smell the body odor of others as I stand in an orderly fashion waiting to be inspected. Peter grips my hand tightly as to calm me down, I suppose my nerves are becoming present in my face. When my turn I am carefully inspected from head to toe.This goes on for approximately 4 minutes, it felt like forever. "All clear" the inspector proclaimed. Those final words freed me from my past. My new future awaits me in America, my first step is to send a telegram back to Ireland for my dear parents.
  • One Year Anniversary

    I have currently spent one year in America. my husband works at the world famous Duffy's cut while I work in sewing factories. I am honored to say that I have only been mugged once, unlike many of my other friends. The tickets my husband had given me on my birthday were the best gift I have ever recieved. Even though they were exspensive, the tickets have benefited me greatly.
  • My missing husband

    My husband, Peter, has been missing for the past 2 days. He hasn't returned home and no one has caught sight of him. However, I am not the only women without a husband 56 other men have vanshed from Duffy's cut, Peter makes a total of 57. If he doesn't return home soon I can't provide for myself and my home on my own paycheck. I would have no choice but to return back to Ireland, with my parents. Suddenly America doesn't seem to benefit me anymore.
  • My voyage back to Ireland

    I have waited anxiously for Peter to return for to long. My paycheck had become to slim to provide for myself. I made the decision to voyage home. America had done wonders for many immigrants, but I wasn't one of those fortunate individuals. Not only am I leaving a beneficial oppurtunity behind me, but I am leaving Peter as well. I don't know where he has ended up,but hopefully he is safe. I am now leaving America and voyaging back to Ireland, and on my birthday. Happy birthday to me.