electronic comunication

  • Telegraph

    Designed by Claude Chappe, uses electrical signals
  • The phone

    The phone
    Alexander Clerk Maxwell patented the phone
  • First television broadcasts

    First television broadcasts
    John Logie Baird transmits the first television transmissions
  • First electronic radio receiver

    First electronic radio receiver
  • First programmable electronic computer

    First programmable electronic computer
    Conrad Zuse make the first programmable electronic computer
  • First electronic computer in the world

    First electronic computer in the world
    COLOSUS make the first electronic computer in the world
  • First mobile phone system

    First mobile phone system
    The Federal Communications Comision allows that AT&T install the
    first mobile phone system
  • The transistor

    The transistor
    William Shockley make the transistor
  • The first orbital satellite Sputnik

    The first orbital satellite Sputnik
    The first orbital satellite Sputnik is launched by the Soviets
  • First patents for a new color TV system

    First patents for a new color TV system
    Was called Kaleidoscopio and was created by Guillermo González
  • Four computers are connected

    Four computers are connected
    Three in California and the other one in UTA. And the net was called ARPANET
  • The first program to send email

    The first program to send email
  • The ETHERNET standard was created

    The ETHERNET standard was created
  • The Internet is born

    The Internet  is born
    The ARPANET is separated from the military network and the internet originates