Campaigning and Fundraising
The first stage of the Election Process is to campaign. This is simply just going around the country trying to get people to support you, or at the very least get your name out there and become a factor in the election process.The second part is to fundraise. The candidates will try to find people that are willing to donate money to help them win or compete with the election. This money will be used for all sorts of reasons to help the candidates. For one it could be used -
Caucuses and Primaries: Part 1
There are six types or primaries in the Elections process. The Primaries are used for voters to select the candidates for the party. The first type of primary is the open primary, this is where voters have a ballot from any party. Whereas a closed primary only party members can vote. In a semi-closed election registered votes can vote however in only in the party they are regitered to. In a semi-open election the registered voter doesn't need to declare which party they will vote for before they -
Caucuses and Primaries: Part 2
enter the booth. In a blanket primary not one candidate will get the enitre majority so both will run in the general election. In a run-off primary the two candidates that get the majority will run in the general election. This is even if they both are from the same party. In a caucus a bunch of people meet up at a public place like a school and split up into groups according the candidate that represent and then talk and listen about this candidate. -
Political Party Conventions
At a political party convention the party will choose who they want to run for the general election. For example at the Republican National Convention the Republican Party chose Mitt Romney to be there candidate for the Presidential election. Also the President nominee will then choose who they want to be their vice president. -
Election Day
Even up until now the candidates will have been fundraising in order finish this long run for office. This is the day when everyone in the country that is eligible to vote decides who they want for president. The voters will vote for electoral college member that will then vote for the assigned candidate they swore to vote for. -
Electoral College
The electoral college is a group of chosen people that said they will vote for a chosen candidate. The majority of the people in the United States will not directly vote for the President nominee, however will vote for the electoral college. If an elctoral college member does not vote for who they said they would vote for they are refered to as a faithless elector, Fortunately or unfortunately, this has never change the outcome of the election.