Hombre lobo

The werewolf

  • 100 BCE

    Legend start

    Legend start
    In 1 BC When Lycaon the king of Arcadia in ancient Greece offended the gods by offering human flesh and was punished by becoming a werewolf. This Story is also related in "The Metamorphoses" written by Ovid.
  • 1500

    First sightings and killings by beasts in Europe

    First sightings and killings by beasts in Europe
    In the early 16th century in regions of Prussia, Livonia, and Lithuania, fierce massacres by large, upright bear-like animals began to be reported.
  • 1550

    France was infested by werewolves

     France was infested by werewolves
    France in the sixteenth century suffered thousands of murders by beasts that looked like humanoid wolves, so the few witnesses said.
  • Werewolves in England

    Werewolves in England
    In the 17th century England persecuted people accused of witchcraft, as attacks by wolf-like beasts occasionally occurred, which were believed to be the work of witchcraft.
  • Period: to


    From the Middle Ages the legend of the werewolf seems to spread throughout Europe due to cases around the continent, keeping the suspense at the time
  • Period: to

    The Beast of Gévaudan

    In the south of France, in the period from 1764 to 1767 there was a creature that terrorized the province of Gévaudan; The beast was frequently described as a giant wolf, attacking livestock and humans without distinction. Accounts say that he was struck down by a silver bullet. Hence the idea that silver damages them.
  • The legend to this day

    The legend to this day
    Currently some modern researchers have tried to use conditions such as rabies, hypertrichosis as an explanation for the werewolf belief, although they are not entirely similar.