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Corriente intelectual del siglo XVIII que cuestionó los principios del Antiguo Régimen. -
He was one of the greatest philosophers of the Enlightenment. He was born in France. He was know for his theory of separation of power and for his book "The Spirits of Law". His political ideas greatly influence the French Relolution. -
He was one of the greatest philosophers of the Enlightenment. He was born in France. He was famous for his advocary of civil liberties, including freedom of religious and separation of church and state;and for his book "Candide". His political ideas greatly influence in French Revolution. -
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Antiguo Régimen
sistema político,social y económico vigente en Europa en el siglo XVIII. -
He was one of the greatest philosopher of the Enlightenment.He was born in Switzerland. He defend the idea that sovereighty should be in people's hand and wrote "The Social Contract". His political ideas influence greatly in French Revolution. -
Adam Smith
He was one of the greatest philosopher and economist of the Enlightenment. He was born in Scotland. He argued against the regulation of trade, defend a free market economy and wrote "The Wealth of Nation". He is considered the father of economic liberalism and capitalism. -
George Washington
He was the first president of the United States. He was born in Virginia. He was an United State's military leader during the American Revolution War, he led them to victory. He is considered one of the American Founding Father. -
James Watt
He was a mecanic engineer and inventor. He was born in Scotland. He invent the steam engine and the International Sistem of Units call the power unit "Watt" his honor. -
Thomas Jefferson
He was the third president of the United States. He was born in Virginia. He was the principal author of Declaration of Independence (1776). He was powerful advocate of liberty and spokesman for democracy. He is considered one of the American Founding Father. -
Louis XVI
He was the king of France when the monarchy was overthrow during the French Revolution. He supported the colonists in the American War of Independence. He was found quilty of treason and executed at the guillotine. -
French politic and lawyer that wasthe leader of jacobins during the French Revolution and a dictator during the Reign of Therror, eliminating all those considered enemies of the revolution. His dictatorship made him increasingly unpopular. He was overthrow and executed at the guillotine. -
Napoleón Bonaparte
Militar y político francés.Creó un Imperio (llamado Imperio Napoleónico) que duró desde 1804 hasta 1814.En su Imperio defendió las ideas del Liberalismo que se fueron expandiendo más allá de Francia ya que fue conquistando más terrenos.Se convirtió en una de las figuras más importantes del siglo XIX. -
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Guerra de la Independencia de Estados Unidos.
Fue un conflicto que enfrentó a las Trece Colonias británicas de América del Norte contra el Reino de Gran Bretaña. -
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Primera Revolución Industrial
George Stephenson
He was a british mecanic and civil engineer. He built the first public railway line of the world,he used for it steam train engine. -
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Revolución Francesa
Fue una época de cambios en los que un grupo defendía el Liberalismo y otro grupo los antiguos principios del Antiguo Régimen.Los factores que contribuyeron a la Revolución Francesa fueron las crisis: políticas, sociales, económicas y financieras.Se generó un grupo llamado Asamblea Nacional que luchará por dar a Francia una Constitución. -
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
He was born in France. He was a politic philosoph and revolutionary. He, Bakunin, Kropotkin and Malatesta were the fathers of the thinking of anarchism. He influenced too in Women Rights. -
Abraham Lincoln
He was the sixteenth president of the United States. He was born in Kentucky.His presidency was dominated by the American Civil War. He defended the emancipation of all slaves and preserved the union during the American Civil War. Less than a week later of the war he was shooted at Ford's Theatreand and died the next morning.He was one of the great American Leaders. -
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Congreso de Viena
Fue una reunión de las principales potencias europeas para garantizar una paz duradera y evitar nuevas revoluciones. Tomaron estas decisiones:
-Francia volvería a los territorios de antes de la Revolución.
-Creación de estados-tapón en torno a Francia para evitar conflictos.
-Rusia, Prusia y Austria se repartirían los territorios de manera uniforme. -
Mijail Bakunin
He was born in Russia. He is the most famous of the First Generation of anarchist philosophs and he is consider one of the fathers of this thinking. -
Karl Marx
He was born in Prusia (actual Germany).He was an ecomist and sociologist. He wrote "El Capital" and "Manifiesto del Partido Comunista"that influenced in the philosophy, history, politic science, sociology and economy. He with Friedrich Engels where thw fathers of the Marxism. -
Friedrich Engels
He was born in Prusia (actual Germany).He was a philosoph and revolutionary.He with Karl Marx were the fathers of the Marxism -
Thomas Alva Edison
Hhe was born in Ohio, USA. He was a politic and businessman inventor. He patent more then one thousand inventions and contribute to the tecnological perfiles of the contemporary world; electrical industries, telephonic system, phonograph, films... -
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Segunda Revolución Industrial