Egyptian Civilization

  • 3150 BCE

    Early Dynastic Period

    The Early Dynastic Period, also known as Archaic Period or the Thinite Period (from Thinis, the hometown of its rulers), is the era of ancient Egypt that immediately follows the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt in c. 3150 BC.
  • 3120 BCE

    Predynastic Period

    Prehistoric Egypt and Predynastic Egypt was the period of time starting at the first human settlement and ending at the First Dynasty of Egypt around 3100 BC.
  • 3100 BCE

    Egypt Started

    Egypt was a vast kingdom of the ancient world. It was unified around 3100 B.C.E AND lasted as leading economic and culture .
  • 2686 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Old kingdom
    The Old Kingdom (ca. 2649–2130 B.C.) was an incredibly dynamic period of Egyptian history. While the origin of many concepts, practices, and monuments can be traced to earlier periods, it was during the Old Kingdom that they developed into the forms that would characterize and influence the rest of pharaonic history.
  • 2134 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    Middle kingdom
    The Middle Kingdom lasted from approximately 2040 to 1782 BC, stretching from the reunification of Egypt under the reign of Mentuhotep II in the Eleventh Dynasty to the end of the Twelfth Dynasty. The kings of the Eleventh Dynasty ruled from Thebes and the kings of the Twelfth Dynasty ruled from elisht.
  • 2040 BCE

    Construction Of Piramids

    Construction of the Pyramids of Giza ... The Great Pyramid of Giza and the two other smaller pyramids on the site serve as the burial tombs of Egyptian pharaohs .
  • 1550 BCE

    New Kingdom

    The New Kingdom started to fall apart during the reign of Ramesses III. He fought many battles but the battle against the Sea People and tribesmen of Libya .
  • 1078 BCE

    The Third Intermediate

    The Third Intermediate Period started around 1078 BC and marks the fall of the Egyptian pharaohs. Several forces can be blamed for their downfall but the most .