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Egyptian Civilization

  • 11,000 BCE


    People begin to settle in the Nile valley. At first they hunt and gather food. Later, they begin to grow crops, keep animals and build homes on the banks of the river Nile.
  • 3500 BCE

    nature mummies

    nature mummies
    Early Egyptian burials take the form of a grave dug in the ground with the body placed in a curled-up position, with jars and baskets for food and drink for the afterlife.
  • 3200 BCE

    The invention of writing

    The invention of writing
    Writing using hieroglyphic signs develops. The ancient Egyptians use hieroglyphs for over 3,600 years to record important information.
  • 3100 BCE

    Egypt is united

    Egypt is united
    Narmer is among the first Egyptian kings to conquer and rule over both Upper and Lower Egypt
  • 2700 BCE

    Evolution of writing

    Evolution of writing
    Hieratic script (cursive hieroglyphic signs) is now fully developed so that everyday information can be written more quickly and easily.