Egypt Timeline

By _zeik_
  • 5100 BCE

    Nile River

    Nile River
    Egyptians called the flooding season Akhet (June - September)
  • 5000 BCE

    Nile River

    Nile River
    Peret is the growing season ( October - February)
    Shemu is the harvesting season (March- May)
  • 3100 BCE

    Early dynastic Egypt

    Early dynastic Egypt
    Created hieroglyphic writing that consisted of a alphabet.
  • 3000 BCE

    Early Dynastic Egypt

    Early Dynastic Egypt
    Started to track the three natural cycles, solar year, lunar month, and solar day.
  • 2800 BCE

    Early dynastic egypt

    Early dynastic egypt
    Started mining in Sinai, which was crucial for construction of the pyramids in coming generations.
  • 2700 BCE

    Early dynastic egypt

    Early dynastic egypt
    Started using paper for writing and documenting
  • 2686 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Old Kingdom
    "age of pyramids"consisting of vast construction, sculptures and art.
  • 2566 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Old Kingdom
    Khufu erected the Great pyramid of Giza
  • 2498 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Old Kingdom
    Egyptian religion made several important changes and cult of the god Ra gained importance
  • 2181 BCE

    First intermediate period

    First intermediate period
    Breakdown of central government, Qakare is only Pharaoh linked to any monuments
  • 2100 BCE

    First Intermidiate Period

    First Intermidiate Period
    Referred to as the "dark period" which lasted about 150 years.
  • 2055 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    Referred to as the period of "Reunification" the unification of upper and lower Egypt with the enrichment of Egyptian culture
  • 1991 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    Middle Kingdom
    Kingdom was based in Thebes under Amenemhet
  • 1929 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    Middle Kingdom
    Amenemhat II waged war in the Levant
  • 1900 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    Middle Kingdom
    Trade, arts, and literature flourished, and had accumulated vast military
  • 1872 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Old Kingdom
    Several new fortifications were built under Senusret III to secure southern borders
  • 1790 BCE

    Second Intermidiate Period

    Second Intermidiate Period
    Immigrants from Asia are called Hyksos meaning "rulers of foreign lands"
  • 1782 BCE

    Second intermidiate Period

    Second intermidiate Period
    Hyksos raiders from Asia led by Amenemhat III gained power in the delta.
  • 1600 BCE

    Second Intermidiate Period

    Second Intermidiate Period
    Hyksos introduced the harnessed horse and chariot, composite bow, and armor.
  • 1500 BCE

    New Kingdom

    New Kingdom
    Referred to as the "golden age" was a time of prosperity, time and wealth
  • 1479 BCE

    New Kingdom

    New Kingdom
    King Thutmose's III military power and expeditions took over the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea and cast out the Hyksos.
  • 1350 BCE

    New Kingdom

    New Kingdom
    Akhenaten changed Egypt's religion from polytheistic to henotheistic
  • 1333 BCE

    New Kingdom

    New Kingdom
    Tutankhamun took over at the age of 9 when his father died
  • 332 BCE

    Greco-Roman era

    Greco-Roman era
    Alexander the Great conquers Egypt.
  • 196 BCE

    Greco-Roman era

    Greco-Roman era
    The Rosetta Stone is carved, Which is the key to understanding ancient Egypt's hieroglyphs
  • 30 BCE

    Greco-Roman era

    Greco-Roman era
    Cleopatra, the last queen of an independent ancient Egypt dies, and Egypt is annexed by the Roman empire.