Effects & Changes of Pregnancy to Expectant Mothers

  • Month 1

    Month 1
    -Within the female body nausea, frequent urination, food sensitivity, breast tenderness and fatigue may occur.
    - Signs of "morning sickness" may appear, you may be tired as you adjust to hormonal changes. The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin causes frequent urination. Smell of food affect your stomach because are more sensitive.
    - Organs aren't compressed as body is preparing for the development of the baby which is only an embryo.
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    The mother can experience nausea, fatigue, and food sensitivity. Your hormone levels will start to adjust causing moodiness. The bladder is already being squished down to a fraction of its original size. This can make your need to pee a lot more urgent.
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    -Mother may still experience food aversions and moodiness, but nausea decreases as her body adjusts to hormones.
    -Mothers uterus is the size of a grapefruit and completely fills pelvis up to the abdomen.
    -As a result the mother may feel light-headed, shortness of breath, fatigue and headaches.
    -At this time the mother’s heart pumps faster as well resulting in shortness of breath or fatigue.
  • Month 4

    Month 4
    During the 4th month, your hormones start to settle and your body starts to return back to normal. Inside your body you can feel the baby starting to move and situate itself. Meanwhile your uterus is rising in the abdomen which can cause heartburn. Lastly, your stomach has swung up 45 degrees causing uncomfort while resting.
  • Month 5

    Month 5
    -Mother is glowing and showing.She has gained between 5-15 pounds,appetite increases.
    -Mother may experience several symptoms: body aches, food cravings and may develop stretch marks.
    -Pelvic colon & small intestines are upward & backwards. Uterus is the size of a cantaloupe.
    -Your uterus moves up, it rests against the lower portion of the front of your abdominal wall, causing it to bulge forward. May experience Braxton- Hicks contractions as your body begins to prepare for labor.
  • Month 6

    Month 6
    The mother instincts are starting to kick in and the baby is kicking as well as moving around. As your intestines are being squished, you can experience constipation. Also, you will gain about a pound week which can result in varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    -Changes occur because her feet and hands start cramping, she may feel the baby’s movement, joints may also feel loose due to softening as her body prepares to give birth and she experiences Braxton- Hicks contractions.
    -Will experience various physical discomforts like backaches, gas, breast growth & leakage, shortness of breath and weight gain.
    -Your liver and lungs get squeezed by your stomach and intestines.
    -Because of this you experience an out-of- breath feeling.
  • Month 8

    Month 8
    Your baby will be pushing on the rib cage which can cause serious discomfort. Also, your pelvic pressure may increase due to the baby pushing against it. Since so much is happening in your stomach, indigestion and heartburn can become more common. Lastly, Braxton Hicks contractions can occur, which is the tightening of the abdomen.
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    Changes occur because she's awaiting the baby’s arrival.Mother breathes a little easier as the baby settles in her pelvis, allowing for more abdominal space( lightning).
    Sleep is more difficult & her weight goes to 35 pounds.
    Mother has pelvic pain, develops a waddle type of walk and experiences baby drops.
    May feel pressure in your uterus because of the baby’s position as the hormone relaxin loosens your tissues.
    Aching legs, frequent urination, and increased constipation occurs as a result