EEX 3070 :History of Special Education and Inclusive Education

  • Increase in people with disabilities in schools

    Due to more specific methods of identifying disabilities, an increasing number of students with disabilities were being documented in public schools. A majority of these students were place in segregated class/setting.
  • Council for exceptional children was established

    Council for exceptional children was established as a national organization. This organization advocated for students with disabilities.
  • Brown vs Board of education

    Brown vs Board of education was the first time that the law required schools to become racially integrated. They established that separate education was not the same as equal education.
  • The division of handicapped children and youth

    The division of handicapped children and youth in the office of education was established by President john F. Kennedy.
  • Public Law 94-142/ IDEA

    Congress passed the Education for all handicapped children previously known as Public Law 94-142, now known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA). This law specified that all children were entitled to a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.
  • Public law 99-457

    Handicapped infants and toddlers’ program (public law 99-457) that covered children with disabilities from birth to age 2. This law created a comprehensive and statewide coordinated services for toddlers with disabilities
  • IDEA emphasized rights in SPED

    IDEA emphasized rights in SPED requiring an IEP to provide explanations as to why the child was not in a general education setting, Autism and TBU were added to the disability categories.
  • ADA

    Americans with disabilities act (ADA) this law ensured equal access and treatment for people with disabilities. This law was intended to prohibit discrimination for employment, government and state services, places of public accommodation, transportation, and telecommunication services.
  • NCLB

    NO child left behind (NCLB) was established to ensure children had the right to highly qualified content teachers and equal opportunity standards.
  • Re-authorization of IDEA

    Re-authorization of IDEA reiterating that sped and related services should be designed for each child’s specific needs and abilities. In addition, they stated students with disabilities should have access to a general education curriculum to the maximum extent.
  • Amending state standards

    State standards adopted reading, mathematics, and language arts including access points for students with disabilities.
  • K-20 education performance accountability

    K-20 education performance accountability to system to comply with IDEA. Florida alternate assessments for core subjects (math, reading, language, and science) administered statewide.
  • amendments of section 1004.015

    Florida requirements for post-secondary education for students with individuals with intellectual disabilities were changed with amendments of section 1004.015 Florida statues. Now reasonable substitutions for admission to program studies and graduation requirements are now provided for individuals with disabilities.