I was born
On this day, I emerged from within my mother's womb, entering the world, for one very short moment, I was once the youngest human being on Earth. -
Period: to
My Life
Founding of Space X
Just a year before the foundation of Tesla, Elon Musk, a prominent business figure, founded Space X. A private engineering company that encompassed the very essence of exploration of space. It's ultimate goal being to enable humans to live on other planets sometime within the future. -
Founding of Tesla
Sometime in mid July, Martin Eberhard, Marc Tarpenning, JB Straubel, Elon Musk and Ian Wright co-founded Tesla Motors as an American automaker and energy storage company. They would later on be more commonly known as Tesla, the company that revolutionized the concept of the electric car; an eco-friendly model without sacrificing a sleek and attractive aesthetic. -
New Horizons Spacecraft Launch
On Januaryy 19, 2006, NASA launched New Horizons with the intent of the closest flyby of Pluto to date. The mission was expected to take 9.5 years in total, hopefully relaying extremely detailed images of Pluto's surface, which it eventually did after it's decade-long flight. -
First iPhone Released
Steve Jobs followed through on his announcement of the iPhone 6 months prior. He came out to an Apple Launch Expo and officially released the highly anticipated device. As expected, it sold out within a week. Overwhelmed with such high demand, Apple then began their notorious reign on the smart phone industry. -
Moved To My New House
I moved between school zones, changed from Echo Lake to Twin Hickory -
Burj Khalifa Construction
The construction of the Burj Khalifa was originally begun in January of 2004. 1325 days later, in 2009, the Burj Khalifa was officially the tallest free-standing structure in the world. In fact, it is roughly 293 times the size of the Eiffel Tower. It officially opened up a year later in 2010. -
Graduated Elementary School
Done with 5th grade and ready to transition into middle school -
Anti Sec Leak & CIA Attack by Anonymous
On February 10, 2012, Anonymous claimed responsibility for taking down the Central Intelligence Agency's website for more than 5 hours. Several servers went back up while others stayed down. This followed a conversation leak, in which Anonymous took responsibility, between FBI and Scotland Yard officials discussing members of Anonymous being put on trial as well as other topics on the group, which took place a week before. -
Rode My First Roller Coaster
I wasn't really one for roller coasters, in fact I was plain scared of them, but I decided to face my fears during my 8th grade field trip to Busch Gardens. -
Graduated from Middle School
I was finally done with middle school and ready to go into high school, not before I enjoyed a far-too-short summer vacation first. -
First Comet Landing
Rosetta's Philae Probe was the first object to ever successfully land on a comet. Despite the failure of the landing devices firing correctly, the probe was still able to land in one piece, giving researchers insight on the oldest substances and compounds in the known universe. -
My group and I went to Homecoming with our dates and went back to a friend's house afterwards. We stayed the night and chilled. -
First iPhone Invented
On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs announced the iPhone at the Macworld convention, receiving substantial media attention. Jobs announced that the first iPhone would be released later that year. On June 29, 2007 the first iPhone was released.