EEG Enacted
The EEG is enacted into law.
http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bundesrecht/eeg/gesamt.pdf -
The law is amended to give electricity generated from renewable energy sources and mine gas priority.
However, the law removes the 100,000 Roofs Program for photovoltaics, which provided an upfront bonus for the purchase price and solar arrays are now eligible for feed-in tariffs in full.
http://energytransition.de/2012/10/renewable-energy-act-eeg/ -
After the law is amended, the document becomes three times larger. Renewables are also brought “closer to the market” by encouraging producers to sell directly on the power exchange instead of receiving feed-in tariffs. A “marketing bonus”, which is only exercised if it proves more profitable than feed-in tariffs (essentially a risk-free bonus) is also offered.
http://energytransition.de/2012/10/renewable-energy-act-eeg/ -
New minimum requirements are brought into effect. The electricity supply must consist of at least 35% renewable energy by 2020, 50% by 2030, 65% by 2040, and 80% by 2050. Furthermore, a target of 35 – 40% of supply within next decade is adopted, conforming to a decision made by the Ministry of Environment in 2010.
http://grist.org/article/2011-07-24-germany-passes-new-renewable-energy-law-for-2012/ -
The act is most extensively amended this year. New, more aggressive renewable energy targets are put in place. Electricity supply must now consist of 40-45% renewable energy by 2025 and 55 – 60% by 2035. In addition, incentives toward energy sources other than the cost-effective technologies of onshore wind and solar photovoltaics are decreased.
http://www.agora-energiewende.org/fileadmin/downloads/publikationen/Hintergrund/EEG_2014/Agora_Energiewende_Background_EEG_2014_08292014_web.pdf -
Finally, mandatory direct marketing is now required from most producers and market premiums are offered to reduce financial risk.
http://www.cleanenergywire.org/factsheets/comparing-old-and-new-changes-germanys-renewable-energy-act -
This is done to better integrate renewables into the market so that renewable producers are increasingly market actors and able to react effectively to wholesale market price signals. It is also done to better distribute the cost of renewables among consumers. Currently the surcharge for some industrial consumers is kept low through exemptions, which drive costs up for other consumers.