Edwards_ Timeline ECS 312

  • Born

    I was born in Idaho to two loving parents and a very excited older brother. I was born into a middle class family, which gave me many opportunities to excel in school and spend time in extracurricular activities. Because my parents had already had another child, they were well prepared for my birth and upraising.
  • Period: to

    My life

  • Bought Our Condo In Wyoming

    In 1999, our family bought a condo in Wyoming so we could do more family activities like skiing, snowshoeing, and hiking. This was a great way for our family to get closer as there is no phone service, internet, or any other distractions up there. It also helped me find my passion for outdoor activities and helped me to stay active.
  • Met Maggie

    The first day of second grade I met Maggie, who would grow to become a lifelong friend. Throughout our years together she has taught me not only how to be there for someone, but also how to let someone be there for me. Maggie knows everything about me and my family and is one of the only people I trust enough to talk to about my real problems.
  • Started the Gifted Program

    In 3rd grade I was accepted into the gifted program in school, which I stayed in during the duration of my schooling. This was important in my life because I was being challenged mentally and encouraged to go beyond what others were doing. This is where my love of school was nurtured and it helped me feel like I excelled at something. The program helped me work on my creativity and is where, through acting in one of the musicals, I learned my love of singing.
  • My First Bible

    In my church, 3rd graders are given a very special bible at a yearly ceremony in church. Though I had bibles all over my house, this one was my very own and encouraged me to read more about my faith.
  • Started Playing Soccer

    Playing soccer not only taught me about teamwork and introduced me to many of my friends in the coming years, but it set up my life to be active and healthy. Starting soccer was the first sport that ever really got me interested in eating better and exercising, and though I no longer play soccer, that aspect of it has stuck with me to this day.
  • Met Mrs. Berggren

    Although I was so young, my teacher Mrs. Berggren was a huge influence on my life. She encouraged me in my academics and introduced me to a love of writing, but more importantly she helped me grow in my faith. By being open about her love of God and sharing with me the wonderful things he was doing in my life, I began to be more proud of my belief in Christ. She is one of the few teachers that inspired me to eventually go into teaching myself.
  • My Confirmation

    On April 18th, I was confirmed into the United Methodist Church. This was a huge step for me, as it meant that I was not only accepting religion in general, but specifically the United Methodist religion. Taking the confirmation classes gave me a chance to get to know more about the church that I had grown up in, but really not known that much about.
  • My First UMYWE- Met Abbigail

    This date marks two extremely important moments in my life. The first, the event UMYWE (United Methodist Youth WeekEnd) was life changing in many ways. I went every year during my junior high/high school career and in 2006 I would become part of the leadership team that put this event on every year. This was also a great way to meet people who shared my faith, like my best friend Abbi, who has been there for me through life's hardships and taught me to always find the best in myself and others.
  • My First Job

    I started my first job working in my church's nursery, which is not only important because of the responsibliity it gave me and the freedom to spend my own money, but more importantly because it was where I discovered my love and talent for working with children.
  • First 'Girls' Weekend' With Mom

    This was the first trip my mom and I took together without the rest of the family, and it led to many more. Before, my mother and I had not had the greatest of relationships but having time just the two of us helped us to bond, and now my mother and I talk on the phone at least once a day. Having these trips led to a much closer and healthier relationship with my mother.
  • My First Car

    Getting my first car may seem like a simple rite of passage, but it was much more than that to me- it was independence. It meant I no longer had to rely on my parents or friends to drive me anywhere. Along with indepenence, my first car also taught me responsibility. Having a car was a great way to prove to my parents that I could be responsible by taking care of the maintenence of the car, driving safely, and letting them know where I was at all times.
  • Graduated High School

    Graduating High School was a big step in my life. It not only meant that my hard work had paid off, but that I would be leaving the town I had grown up in and all the people I had known since Kindergarten. I said my goodbyes and got ready for the next step in my life- college.
  • Moved to Montana

    I moved to Montana to start college as a Journalism major. For the first time ever, I moved out of my parent's house and into the real world. Not only was this the first time living on my own, it was also the first time living anywhere but the one house I had grown up in. Moving to Montana taught me to be independent and to make new friends, which was difficult as I had grown up with the same people since Kindergarten.
  • Josh Died

    On this date my friend Josh passed away from cancer. This was the first time anyone in my life had passed away, and it was an emotional experience for me. Though it was sad, it had a positive note- it caused me to think more seriously about what I want from life-what I want to accomplish and who I want people to remember me as when my time comes. It made me appreciate everything in my life a little more.
  • Moved To Arizona

    I moved to Arizona to start my Early Childhood Education degree. This was not the first time I had moved away from home, but it was the furthest I'd ever lived from home. This is also significant because my best friend Abbi was living in Arizona already, and being so close to her has helped us to grow even closer.
  • Met Courtney

    On Sep, 14th I met Courtney, who would quickly grow to become one of my best friends. Without her, the transition into Arizona would have been much harder and I would not have met many of my other friends, who I was introduced to through her.
  • First Time Nannying

    Although I had many friends in Arizona, I didn't really have a sense of family. Nannying gave me an opportunity to have the sense of being a part of a home away from home. This opportunity also reinforced that I am going into the right career for me, as I looked forward to going into "work" everyday. This also helped me realize that I wanted to better myself so that I could be the best possible role model for the girls.