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Educational Timeline Project: Changes in Education from 2000 to Present

  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

    No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
    Improved the quality of special education programs at the state level. It stated that all students should be proficient in Language Arts and Math by 2014. Students with specified special needs were requred to participate in state assessment. It's main goal was to close the achevement gap for student groups who were at risk.
  • Higher Education Act is Reauthorized

    Higher Education Act is Reauthorized
    Provided better access to lower and middle income students. Also, it provided funding for gaduate studies.
  • IDEA Reauthorized

    IDEA Reauthorized
    The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was reaouthorized and made many changes to the original act. Some changes were modification to the IEP process, procedural safeguards, and alignment with NCLB. RTI was also introduced and required in the public school setting.
  • Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Reauthorized

    Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Reauthorized
    This is the 4th version of this law, and provided further funding for career and technical education (CTE).
  • The Flipped Classroom Model

    The Flipped Classroom Model
    Introduced by Jonathan Bergaman and Aaron Sams and is exactly as it sounds: students do homework at school and preview content at home.
  • Higher Education Opportunity Act

    Higher Education Opportunity Act
    Added major changes to student loan eligibility for students with disabilities.
  • California Pre-school Learning Foundations released

    California Pre-school Learning Foundations released
    This includes Social and Emotional Learning standards for preschool students.
  • The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act

    The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act
    This act included 90 billion dollars for educational reform. It also included the Race To the Top (RTTT) initiative which was a program designed to initiate reform in the following 4 areas: Developing state standards and assessments, better data systems, support for teachers and administrators, resources and interventions for low performing schools.
  • Common Core State Standards Initiative

    Common Core State Standards Initiative
    Lead by the National Govornors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers. Most states were expected to adopt them.
  • CCSS adopted in California

    CCSS adopted in California
    Emphasize conceptual understanding and problem solving skills for students and require changes in the way teachers teach.
  • Kindergarten Readiness Act

    Kindergarten Readiness Act
    Changed the date of entry for kindergarten so that all students would enter as 5 year olds.
  • Californai Local Control Funding Formula enacted

    Californai Local Control Funding Formula enacted
    The LCFF replaced the 40 year old finantial system for education in California and required districts to enact a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) that guides budget development.
  • Next Generation Science Standards adopted

    Next Generation Science Standards adopted
    The NGSS were enacted so that every student had access quality instruction is science. It was also to provide a research based set of standards in science.
  • Bipartisan Budget Bill signed

    Bipartisan Budget Bill signed
    This bill increased educational funding and more importantly added funding for the Head Start program to increase state prekindergarten school programs.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    ESSA replaces No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and gives states more control over how to judge a schools' quality.
  • California Proposition 58 approved

    California Proposition 58 approved
    This proposition included the California Multilingual Act and allowed districts to choose which language programs to use, and did not require structured english immersion only.
  • California School Dashboard Launched

    California School Dashboard Launched
    This dashboard was provided by the state of California as a way for the public to access accountablility information about schools and districts.
  • California School Safety Plan becomes law

    California School Safety Plan becomes law
    Requires that schools develop a comprehensive safety plan that involves local law enforcement and first responders.
  • Californa Budget Allocations to Minimize SPED laws suits

    Californa Budget Allocations to Minimize SPED laws suits
    Gavin Newsom signed the new state budget which sets aside $100 million for resolving special education conflicts due to COVID19 school closures. It also set aside 450 million for extra therapy and services for special education students that were missed during school closures.
  • American Resuce Plan Act

    American Resuce Plan Act
    Included funding because of learing loss due to COVID19 for IDEA and included funding to help home based services as well as behavioral health services such as counceling.