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Educational Timeline

  • Teacher Certification

    Pennsylvania is the first state to require perspective teachers to pass an exam to become a school teacher.
  • Catherine Breecher

    Catherine Breecher
    Breecher declared that women are more qualified to be teachers than men. Women being in this position could now be considered as professionals. Women who were educators "could finally marry for affection instead of marrying purely for status" (LeQuire, 2017).
  • Classroom Rules Artifact

    Classroom Rules Artifact
    Classroom Rules from 1860
  • Jane Adams

    Jane Adams
    Jane Adams wrote The Public School and the Immigrant Child. Addams believed it was important to connect students to their heritage while learning to instill a sense of their culture within themselves (Addams, 1908). In the current curriculum Addams had the impression that the curriculum was causing students to change and conform from their culture as they transitioned into American life.
  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori
    Maria Montessori wrote A Critical Consideration of the New Pedagogy in its Relation to Modern Science. Montessori believed in order to educate learners it is important to have an understanding of the students (Montessori, 1912). She also believed students possess a "sprit of learning" which guides them as they gain knowledge at their own pace.
  • Franklin Bobbitt

    Franklin Bobbitt
    Franklin Bobbitt wrote Scientific Method in Curriculum-Making. He believed that educational curriculums should help students to be exposed to, and taught in a manner in which supports them through life experiences, and less on rote memorization skills (Bobbitt, 1918).
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    John Dewey, wrote My Pedagogic Creed- This writing was created as a statement of his pedagogic beliefs. Dewey felt student learning should focus on where the students knowledge currently is. Dewey also believed students learning comes from exposure to new information and students should have access to all they need to be successful (Dewey, 1929, pg. 35 & 36)
  • George Counts

    George Counts
    George Counts wrote Dare the School Build a New Social Order. Counts believed in order to properly educate all students the information should come from a wide range of backgrounds. He stated "If the machine is to serve all, and serve all equally, it cannot be the property of the few" (Counts, 1959, pg. 50). He also believed curriculums should be student centered.
  • Herbert M. Kliebard

    Herbert M. Kliebard
    Herbert M. Kliebard wrote The Rise of Scientific Curriculum-Making. Kliebard makes references to changes that have occurred in curriculum making over the early part of the 20th Century. Kliebard also discusses cages that should be made to teacher preparation programs in an effort to meet the needs of new curriculums (Kliebard, 1975.
  • Deborah Meier

    Deborah Meier
    Deborah Meier wrote The Power of Their Ideas. In this text Meier states curriculum should be relevant to students lives. This was also a connection George S. Counts made in his view of curriculum.
  • College and Career Readiness Standard/Curriculum Development

    College and Career Readiness Standard/Curriculum Development
    The state-led effort to develop the Common Core State Standards was launched in 2009...State school chiefs and governors recognized the value of consistent, real-world learning goals and launched this effort to ensure all students, regardless of where they live, are graduating high school prepared for college, career, and life.
  • Montessori Schools

    Montessori Schools
    There are nearly 5,000 Montessori Schools in the United States and 20,000 world wide (Alexopulos, 2015)
  • Believe and Prepare--Resident Teachers

    Believe and Prepare--Resident Teachers
    Beginning in 2018, student teachers now called Residents will be require to spend one school year in the classroom, in order to receive teacher certification in Louisiana. Universities within the Louisiana system are currently working to redesign curriculum in order to make way for the Residency Program.