The Butler Education Act
The Education Act - or 'Butler Act' - of 1944 promised 'secondary education for all'. The act attempted to achieve this goal by raising the school leaving age and dividing the all-age elementary education into primary and secondary schools. -
Education (miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1948
Extended the range of pupils who could be provided with clothing by an LEA, and allowed an LEA to cancel a report that a child was 'incapable of receiving education at school owing to disability of mind' if recommended to do so by the local health authority. -
General Certificate of Education 1951
General Certificate of Education (GCE) O-levels and A-levels were introduced, replacing the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate. -
Newly elected Labour Government
Harold Wilson’s newly-elected Labour government promised to set up comprehensive schools, combining pupils of all ability levels in one school that served a specific catchment area. -
Education (Work Experience) Act and Raising of school leaving age
On 1 September 1972, the age was raised from 15 to 16, following preparations which began 8 years earlier in 1964. This increased the legal leaving age from 15 to 16, leaving a gap year of school leavers who, by law, had to complete an additional year of education from 1973 onwards. The year also saw the introduction of the Education (Work Experience) Act. -
Education Reform Act
The most important education act since 1944. It is sometimes referred to as 'The Baker Act' after secretary of state Kenneth Baker. The Act gave power to the schools. It took power away from the LEAs and the schools and gave them all to the secretary of state.
The Education Reform Act introduced the National Curriculum, providing a framework for science. -
School Teachers Pay and Conditions Act
The School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Act established a teachers' pay review body but gave the secretary of state extensive new powers. -
Education (schools) Act
Establishment of Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education).
This caused teachers' morale to plummet. The amount of paperwork and form-filling which a school had to complete dramatically increased. -
I was Born, 1992. -
Dearing Review of the National Curriculum
The Dearing Report of The National Curriculum and its Assessment: Final Report was the first major review of the National Curriculum. It argued that the curriculum had become an unwieldy structure which was virtually impossible to implement and that the time spent on paperwork and testing was damaging good teaching and learning. -
I started Nursery
I joined Lane Head Nursery, 1996. -
Period: to
The Blair Decade: Selection, Privatisation and Faith
I Started Infant School
I joined Rosedaile Infant School, 1997. -
School Standards and Framework Act
The white paper's proposals were implemented in the School Standards and Framework Act.
Literacy Hour introduced. -
Started Primary School
I joined Short Heath Primary School, 2001. -
Children's Act
In 2003, the government published its green paper Every Child Matters, following the death of Victoria Climbié, the young girl who was horrifically abused, tortured and eventually killed by her great aunt and the man with whom they lived. In November 2004 The Children Act established a Children's Commissioner to champion the views and interests of children and young people. -
I Started Secondary School
Joined Willenhall School Sports College, 2004. Now Known as Willenhall E-Act Academy. -
Education and Skills Act
Raised the education leaving age to 18.
Young people required to stay in education or training until their 18th birthday through:
- full-time education or training
- work-based learning
-Part-time education or training -
Fee's increase
Higher Education fee's sharply increase, 2012. -
Educational Excellence Everywhere
Coursework removed, new specifications created.
Grading system changed to 1-9