Document Cameras
Introduced at the Photokina Trade Fair in 1988, however, the prototype was created in 1974. Can be used in education from K-12, as well as in any business environment. ~ Visualizer usage in elementary schools: A case study ~ Mathematics Lesson Plans with use of Document Cameras -
LCD projectors were invented by Gene Dolgoff in 1988 through his company Projectavision
Once again LCD projectors can be used in education from K-12, in addition, projectors can also be used in a business compacity.
~Characteristics of effective ICT applications suited to teaching styles in Japanese classrooms
~Use Standard Projectors To Bring Interactivity To Their Lessons -
Interactive Whiteboards
In early 1990 Xerox implemented the use of Smartboards, Promethean Boards. Interactive whiteboards can be used in education from K-12 as well as in a business environment. ~Developing Teachers’ Utilization of Interactive Whiteboards ~Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources -
Tablets, iPad/iPod Touch, Netbooks & Chromebooks: Can be implemented in education K-12, in addition, to any business environment.
The first Netbook was the HP 2133 that was introduced in 2007. The first two initial tablets that entered the market were produced by Dell, and Samsung in late 2010. Apple invented iPads/iPod Touches in 2010.
~School districts calculate different ways to use netbooks in classes
~Using an iPad, Android tablet in class -
VoiceThread (Created by Ben Papell and Steve Muth)
A VoiceThread is an innovative online application that centers on collaborative conversations around images, documents, videos or any combination of the three. ~VoiceThread for HOTS: Using technology to analyze, evaluate, and create ~Lessons: VoiceThreads K-12, Higher Education & Business -
Edmodo: "Facebook for School" (Created by Nic Borg, Jeff O'Hara, Crystal Hutter)
Founded in Chicago, Illinois, when two school district employees set out to bridge the gap between how students live their lives and how they learn in school, Edmodo was created to bring education into a 21st-century environment. ~Edmodo as a learning platform to create a responsible learning environment ~How to use Edmodo in the classroom -
Prezi was founded in 2009 by Peter Arvai, Péter Halácsy, and Adam Somlai-Fischer. Educators and business organizations can use Prezi as a method for introducing content. ~Using Prezi in the Classroom ~Teacher Prezi-tations -
Storybird (Created by Mark Ury & Kaye Puhlmann)
Visual storytelling for everyone. A platform for writers, readers, and artists of all ages. Storybird is the largest language arts platform on the planet. Usually used in grades K-8, but can be used in the higher grades as well. ~Students’ experience of using Storybird in writing ESL narrative ~Lesson Plans for Storybird