Educational Technology

  • 1920s and before

    Prior to 1920, most schools were one-room school houses.
  • Radios

    In 1923, radios were introduced into schools. Radios were used for history and math lessons.
  • Overhead

    In 1930, over head projectors were introduced into the classroom.
  • Films

    In 1933, schools were using silent films and films with sound.
  • TV

    From 1939-1940, schools started using TVs in the classroom.
  • Headphones

    Headphones were used in the 1950s in language labs.
  • The whiteboard

    In 1960, white boards were introduced into classrooms. Whiteboards replaced chalk boards.
  • Calculator

    In 1963, Texas Instruments introduced the first hand held calculator.
  • Scantrons

    In 1973, scantrons were starting to be used to grade exams.
  • The MAC

    In 1984, Apple McIntosh introduced their computer.
  • The Laptop

    In 1988, the laptop is introduced. The laptop would eventually become a teaching tool.
  • Smart Board

    In 1991, the smart board is introduced into schools.
  • Internet

    In 2002, majority of U.S. schools have internet.
  • iPad and Cell phones

    In 2012, iPads are being used for educational purposes in schools. Majority of students also have cell phones.