Educational Technology

By AAbels
  • Pestalozzi method

    Pestalozzi method
    Pestalozzi began to organize instruction based on natural laws. He thought elements of education should develop with the learner. He connected education with the learner's psychological development.
  • Johann Freiderich Herbert

    Johann Freiderich Herbert
    Herbert showed how to integrate new learning with previous learning building on previous methods. He denied the idea of inborn knowledge and developed a systematic psychology of learning and instruction.
  • Lancasterian System

    Lancasterian System
    Lancaster monitor systems allowed for an economical method to educate many students at one time. One teacher would instruct many monitors and they would drill students on slates. It was a rigid system that organized education into methods beyond the one room schoolhouse.
  • First U.S. Kindergarten

    First U.S. Kindergarten
    The Kindergarten was based on the ideas of Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel. He developed a system to help young children grow into the men God intended by using free self-activity, creativity, motor expression and social participation. The first U.S. kindergarten was opened by Mrs. Carl Shurz in 1855. She began the Kindergarten movement in the United States that peaked in the 1880s. The Kindergarten was extremely abundant in the U.S. by 1900.
  • Visual Education

    Visual Education
    Visual media such as films, slides, and photographs began to be used for education. The use of the motion picture projector in classrooms made visual media accessible.
  • Audiovisual Instruction

    Audiovisual Instruction
    When visual media began to incorporate audio it transformed the visual movement into the audiovisual movement. This new addition to the classroom was thanks to radio, sound broadcasting, and sound motion pictures.

  • World War II

    World War II
    The military became the major users of audio visual resources to train military personnel. Training films and filmstrips were rated to be very effective ad quickly training new recruits by instructors.

  • Blooms taxonomy

    Blooms taxonomy
    Benjamin Bloom published the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. He described how objectives could be classified by their defining behavioral output.
  • Sputnik launches formative learning

    Sputnik launches formative learning
    The United States reacted to the launch of Sputnik in 1957 by funding the development of instructional materials in math and science. A decade later many of these materials were considered ineffective. Michael Scriven developed a process of trial and revision. New materials were tried and evaluated before they reached their final state, which he termed formative evaluation
  • criterion referenced testing

    criterion referenced testing
    In the 1960s testing switched norm-referenced to criterion referenced, intended to measure the how well each behavioral objective was learned. It removed the dependence on how other students were performing as with norm-referenced testing.
  • Behavioral objectives

    Behavioral objectives
    Robert Mager realized the need of educators to be instructed in how to write objective for learning. He wrote a book which has been printed in several editions and is very popular. Ralph Tyler popularized the idea that each objective should be defined in terms of a behavior.
  • Systems approach

    Systems approach
    In the 1970s more than forty instructional design models had been developed. Models began to build systematically upon the previous models. Instructional design started to develop in many different sectors including the military and corporations.
  • Changes in terminology

    Changes in terminology
    The terms instructional technology and educational technology began to replace audiovisual instruction to define the field. Major professional organizations began to reflect this change. The department of Audiovisual instruction became the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
  • Microcomputers

    Computers became available in the 1950s but weren't popular in classrooms until the microcomputer. The computer was personal size and could perform many of the tasks of the larger computers.
  • Learning management systems

    Learning management systems
    Learning management systems are cloud based software that allows for documenting, administrating, reporting and tracking in educational courses. LMS have had a large impact on universities and colleges and have allows for developing entirely online universities. photo
  • Coud computing

    Coud computing
    Cloud computing is distributed and can be shared by many users and scaled to varying degrees. This allows students and educators to have fast and cheap access to online resources. Ercan, T. (2010). Effective use of cloud computing in educational institutions. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 938–942. photo
  • Internet and distance learning in higher education

    Internet and distance learning in higher education
    The number of colleges and university offering online courses tripled from 1995 to 1997. Distance education is though to reduce the cost of education and enables those physically far from the institution to participate in learning. The U.S. army also announced a plan to fund distance education for soldiers.
  • Artificial intelligence

    Artificial intelligence
    Artificial intelligence can be used in education to automate tasks, individualize learning, develop new schools, and provide tutoring or support outside of the classroom. AI will be useful in many different models of educational processes. photo