Texas Instruments develops the handheld calculator
(E-Learning Industry LLC, 2014) -
(Anzbau, n.d.) -
Scantron Machines can auto grade multiple choice questions
(E-Learning Industry LLC, 2014) -
The Apple Macintosh computer is developeled
(E-Learning Industry LLC, 2014) -
laptop computers are developed
(E-Learning Industry LLC, 2014) -
NCES claims 35% of American Schools have internet access
(E-Learning Industry LLC, 2014) -
Wiki software
(Anzbau, n.d.) -
Teachers begin creating webpages
(E-Learning Industry LLC, 2014) -
Internet is wide spread in schools
(Hughes, 2013) -
term blog defined
(Anzbau, n.d.) -
Google founded
(Anzbau, n.d.) -
Smart boards are introduced in schools
(E-Learning Industry LLC, 2014) -
Wikipedia created
(Anzbau, n.d.) -
Skype created
(Anzbau, n.d.) -
Google IPO
(Wilen-Daugenti, 2008) -
Web 2.0 term defined
(Wilen-Daugenti, 2008) -
Podcasts released
(Anzbau, n.d.) -
Audience-responce devices (clickers) are introducted in schools
(Hughes, 2013) -
Youtube created
(Anzbau, n.d.) -
Smartphones and tablets are introduced into classroom instruction
(Hughes, 2013) -
Google classroom created
(Protalinski, 2014)