Ipad Introduced
Apple released the iPad. Some schools that had the budget and an emphasis on technology began introducing iPads in the classroom. Having iPads in the classroom has had positive impact on student learning and collabotation. Below are Apple's published results for iPads used in education. https://www.apple.com/mideast/education/docs/ipad-in-education-results.pdf -
Canvas Launched
Canvas, an online learning management system, launched in 2011. This platform is now used by over 7,000 customers, serving over 6 million users concurrently. Many colleges are now using Canvas for both in-person and distance education and it has become a staple in higher education.
https://www.instructure.com/en-gb/canvas-overview -
Chromebook Introduced
In 2011, the Chromebook was introduced. Chromebooks would become one of the most popular education tools for education because of their ease of use and affordability. https://blog.google/products/chromebooks/chromebook-turns-10/ and http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/maps-api-ssl.google.com/en//intl/en/chrome/assets/education/pdf/IDC-WP-Quantifying.the.Economic.Value.of.Chromebooks.for.K-12.Education-042013.pdf -
Digital Text Books
In 2013, Digital Text book use takes off. In 2011, when I pad where introduced, digital text book downloads where at 1 million. In 2013, that number drastically increased to 55 million. https://teleread.com/changing-people-learn-digital-textbooks/index.html -
Oculus VR Introduced
While the Oculus was introduced in 2013 and was the beginning of what Virtual Reality would bring to the classroom. https://techcrunch.com/2014/03/26/a-brief-history-of-oculus/ -
Google Classroom
Google Classroom was introduced on August 12, 2014. While some schools would begin implementing it, it became wildly popular during the 2020 pandemic and the shift to online learning. https://www.structural-learning.com/post/google-classroom#:~:text=Google%20Classroom%20is%20a%20free,release%20on%20August%2012%2C%202014 and https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329708862_Google_Classroom_An_online_learning_environment_to_support_blended_learning -
Predictive Learning Analytics Takes off
in 2015, Predictive Learning Analytics expands. District Administrators, teachers, and students began using it to identify students who are succeeding and those who may need additional help. https://library.educause.edu/-/media/files/library/2015/10/ewg1510-pdf.pdf -
Youtube Kids App Introduced
To address concerns over inappropriate content, YouTube, in conjunction with Google, released YouTube Kids App. This was to help Parents and Teachers to feel confident when showing and viewing youtube content in their homes and classrooms that it would be age appropriate. https://blog.youtube/news-and-events/youtube-kids/ -
VR enters Classroom
With the Oculus taking off in 2013, it began the process of creating educational content for the VR. In 2017, the ClassVR was introduced and began reshaping education. Students are able to not only read about but visit history. https://www.classvr.com/virtual-reality-in-education/ and https://www.classvr.com/us/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=redirect#:~:text=Award%20Winning%20Classroom%20Technology,in%20schools%20across%20the%20globe. -
Gamification Trends
In 2017, Gamification really took off with apps like Kahoot and Flipgrid. It was a shift from passive learning to active learning. It also helped teachers gain immediate feedback on their students. https://educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41239-017-0042-5 -
Youtubekids.com Launches
Youtube kids became its own website after concerns about inappropriate content making its way on the kids app. This also came after a multimillion dollar penalty for violating children's privacy laws. https://techcrunch.com/2019/08/30/youtube-kids-launches-on-the-web/ -
National Guidelines for Teaching and Learning AI Established
While AI has been in the works for many years, this was a starting point for how AI will be used and taught in Education. AI4K12 Organization begins to take off helping educators with AI technology. https://new.nsf.gov/science-matters/ai-education-ai-education and https://lists.aaai.org/ai4k12/cache/12908525/2.pdf -
Pandemic Shift to E-Learning
When the world shut down, schools across the nation made a shift to e-learning. While some districts had already established e-learning protocols, others were scrambling. There was a shift to zoom classrooms, google classrooms, and asynchronous and synchronous learning became common terms for American households. https://educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41239-022-00361-7