Colonial Period (1607-1775)
It was the 1st permanent English settlement in North American . -
The Southern colonies Education
people lived in Georgia in the 1970s, life was differed dramatically from life today. Colonies such as maryland, virginia, the carolinas, and georgia was linked and revolved around agriculture. African slaves and indentures served as workers on the plantation. No public school existed. if parents werent wealthy students werent able to attend school. Some tutors lived due to plantaiton, or parents pooled their resources to hire a a tutor to teach the children for several families. -
New England Colonies
the three Rs, reading, riting, rithmentic" lets leave where they came from. -
freee Public education
the colonila period had shaped todays education in 3 major ways native americans were ecluded from schools. though the governor from virgina supported this exclusion. In 1671 railes against free public education andf access to books. -
Middle colonies
the middle colonies - such as New Yorkl, rhode island, New jersey, Delawear, zpennsyvenia were diversethatn southern Colonies. The colonist belonged to a number of religious groups - dutch,quacker, Lutherean baptist roman, catholic, and jewish. religion freedom was important and was an important reason for coming to America. -
how early national period shaped education today
important seperation of church and state was established and second legislation removed control of education fromthe federal governemnt and gave it to the states . this is the passing the land ordiance of 1785 , the fedeeal fovernemnt established a role for itself in public education. -
constitution Shapes Education
the u.s constitution , written in 1787 and adapted in 1789 played an important role in shaping the educational systems . it has had 27 amendments -
The common School Movement The Rise of State Support for public School
public school refered as elementary , middle, or high school students . Students werent fcharged for education and was required by law for students to attend till age 16.
Schools were organized by grade level. if teachers wanted a job they needed to get a license , comolete a specified set of university courses to get experience in school and take a standard test which is available for each state. -
Education was availabe to all
teach and learn during common school period began in the 19th century public schools often charged parial tuition . in 1820 changes historic attempt to make education available for children in the united states - states and local governments directly taxed citizens toi support public schools. -
Horace man
a lawyer that turned educator and was a key in the common school. movement. he influences massachusttss state board. biuild 50 new secondary schools. Increased teachers salaries and passeed the nations first compuldory school attendence law in 1852 . -
teaching in COmmon School Era
school movemnet dramaically increased acess to education . As teacher had to go to obstacles. Everything was different from lives styles. it was heavier from fundamentals like reading and math . the building were poorly constructed. they would have textbooks, writing books, and other materials, -
the expansion of the common school movement
involved obstacles like buisness in terest that feared a loss of cheap child labor, citizens who objected to increase taxes and having to pay to educate other people ' children and competiotion from private and parochial schools. -
exploring Diversity
teachers proportion continues to increase . dame schols . women thought small groups of children in their homes , were the exception to the rule . the pattern of male domination in the theaching force continued until the civil war. three events occured , both in and outside of schools. large numbers of men were kiled during the civil war . so labor shrotage was created. second, industrial revolution ook hold in maerica after the civil war. -
How education Improve
normal schools
many university began as normal schools
second significant state change was an improvement in scholl quality that ioccured when lqarger elementaries school egan seperating students into grades levels -
the legacy of the common School Movement
teaching and your feature begin . parents are asked to paid for education. also asked for friends attended regularity and graduated from high school . american became more in volved of tax supported education due to the idea of universal acess to a tax supported education was planted and took root.