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Educational Historical Timeline

  • Boston Latin School

    Boston Latin School
    This is significant because it is the first public school. It was the start of basic education.
  • Oberlin College

    Oberlin College
    This event is significant in shaping education as it is today because this is the first college to enroll both men and women. Showing the education is not just a "man" type of thing.
  • The First Kindergarten

    The First Kindergarten
    This is significant because it started as a German-Language kindergarten, which inspired to open the English-Language kindergarten. This is what started our basic schooling in​ Language Arts.
  • Brown vs. The Board of Education

    Brown vs. The Board of Education
    This was one of the major cornerstones during the civil rights movements. Declared that the "separate but equal" was not equal at all. Helped African Americans become equal in all schools.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This is significant because it provides extra money to assist more education for poor children to improve their education. It helps more students become educated.