Ted 200

Educational Historical Events

By Ljatso
  • The Child-Centered Education Approach

    The Child-Centered Education Approach
    "reversing the traditional subject-centered model, psychologists now placed students- not subjects- at teaching's center" (Kaplan, Owings, 2015, p.137). This event made a huge change for education. Teachers were starting to put students over subjects first. This made for better learning connections.
  • Committee of Ten

    Committee of Ten
    "National Education Association (NEA) appointed a Committee of Ten to establish a standard high school curriculum for students planning to attend college" (Kaplan, owings, 2015, p. 142)
    This event made sure students could receive higher education. It made students want to achieve this goal to learn. IT created high school.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    "African American children of elementary school living in Topeka, Kansas, had a suit filed on there behalf to be allowed to enroll in the public schools serving white children" (Kaplan, Owings, 2015, p.151).
    This case was huge for African americans in try to get equal educational rights. This event helped change the way schools were separate and then they became one.
  • Ruby Bridges

    Ruby Bridges
    "during the summer of 1960, Ruby was chosen to attend the all-white William Frantz Elementary School for first grade" (Kaplan, Owings, 2015, p.153). Rudy event stands out in the educational world. She was the first child integrated in an elementary setting. Little rock 9 was more for high school integration. This even made younger schools include everyone. It is a great even in history.
  • No Child Left Behind

    "NCLB represented the federal government's first serious attempt to hold states, districts, and schools accountable for remedying the unequal achievement among different students..." (Kaplan, Owings, 2015, p.164). This moment made it equal for students off all different varieties. This program has changed education for the better work is still being done to improve it.