Education Timeline Task

  • Education Act 1944

    Education Act 1944
    Education Act introduced in 1944, wanted to see the exisiting differentiation between primary & secondary abolished and introduced should be three stages of education. Primary, Secondary & Higher.
    Free compulsory education for all children 11-15 years, school leaving age rose from 14-15.
  • Tripartite System

    Tripartite System
    Three types of schools: Grammer- for the most able students, Secondary Modern - for the majority, Secondary Technical- for those with a technical or scientific background.
    Selection for grammer schools was done through 11+ IQ test.
  • General Certificate of Education

    General Certificate of Education
    From the Tripartite system it was said that it disqualified the majority of children from having access to qualifications. So in 1951 the GCE was introduced, these are O levels & A levels.
  • Wolfenden Report

    Wolfenden Report
    C.C.P.R appointed a committee to look at sport and physical activity and see how it can play a huge role in promoting general welfare. Raised the profile of sport among the governemnt, especially with Sir John Wolfenden serving as chairman of the committee.
  • Comprehensive Schools

    Comprehensive Schools
    Harold Wilson was elected and moved towards a labour party approach, he wanted to make a change and expansion of the education system by setting up comprehensive schools that combined all levels of ability.
  • Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE)

    Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE)
    The knew CSE was introduced this was to divide students between the academic and non academic streams.
    different teaching groups, seperation or abilities.
  • Sports Council

    Sports Council
    The Sports council was founded to hopefully provide a voice for sport in the UK, espcially in the education system.
    Motto: Sport for All!
    Many aims of this council the main aim was to increase participation in sport and physical activity.
  • Introduction of GCSE's

    Introduction of GCSE's
    Introduced in 1986 and replaced the old style GCE qulaification, updated policies to include parents evenings, reports and sex education.
  • Education Reform Act

    Education Reform Act
    Can be seen to be the most important act since the 1944 one, basic curriculum to be taight in schools and the NC would set out attainment targets for children to reach.
    This NC was entirely content based and teachers didnt have any running of the NC at all.
  • Introduction of Osted

    Introduction of Osted
    This was introduced in 1992 and was to be responsible for inspecting and regulating education for children of all ages. Ofsted is headed by Her Majesty Chief Inspector!
  • NCPE

    This was introduced in 1992, 4 years after the NC was implemented. This gave structure to schools with the PE department and was finally placed within the foundation subjects.
  • Youth Sports Trust

    Youth Sports Trust
    Founded by Sir John Beckwith, he wanted to ensure that all young people recieved a quality introduction to sport. He also aimed for sport to be avaliable for all children in schools and out in the community.
  • Lindens Primary School

    Lindens Primary School
    Took parrt in many sporting activities when at this school, was encouraged alot by teahcers especially the headteacher, He was a key believer in PE being a major part of primary life.
    Developed fundamental skills here which helped me get better at sport and I was able to carry this on into secondary school.
  • BTEC

    Following the merger of BTEC and the University of London Examinations and Assessment Council, a new company called Edexcel was introduced. This was to ensure all pupils had a place to go after seocndary school, and provides a real world approach to learning.
    KEY MOMENT: Did BTEC at college as could understand the process of A levels, helped me on my path to becoming a teahcer in PE.
  • School Sports Partnership/ The Streetly School Sports Partnership

    School Sports Partnership/ The Streetly School Sports Partnership
    In 2000 the School sports Partnership was introduced into many primary, secondary and grammer schools and I was lucky enough to start at secondary school when this was implemented into my school when i started in 2004. Major emphasise on Pe.
    There aim was to increase the percentage of children to take part in at least 2 hours of quality PE a day. This definately increased my engagament in physical activity.
  • Sutton Coldfield College

    Sutton Coldfield College
    Started in 2009, went and did A levels at school before this and they werent for me so decided to take this route.
    Studied Sport & Exercie Science, Achieved DDD. S
    Took part in many sporting activities and also did some coaching here.
  • Univeristy Of wolverhampton

    Univeristy Of wolverhampton
    Started here in 2011 and studied Physical Education. My degree qualification was a 2:1 which helped me get onto me PGCE course in which I am currently taking.
    Embeded values in which I will use when hopefully become a qualified secondary PE teacher.
  • New NCPE

    New NCPE
    Intoriduced in 2014 and the NCPE has aims in which it wants to:
    •develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
    •are physically active for sustained periods of time
    •engage in competitive sports and activities
    •lead healthy, active lifestyle
    This NCPE is important for me as it has an impact on my teacher training year and how I will teach in schools.