The Milwaukee Parental Choice program
1990 - The Milwaukee Parental Choice program is initiated. It allows "students, under specific circumstances, to attend at no charge, private sectarian and nonsectarian schools located in the city of Milwaukee." -
Teacher For America
1990 - Teach for America is formed, reestablishing the idea of a National Teachers Corps. -
New definion of Disabled
Public Law 94-142. In addition to changing terminology from handicap to disability, it mandates transition services and adds autism and traumatic brain injury to the eligibility list. -
The Internet
In the year of 1990 the Internet was released to the public and revolutionized the way we learn and made our ability to learn greater than ever before. -
Period: to
The 1990's
Desegrigation of Schools
1991-The Supreme Court makes it easier for formerly segregated school systems to fulfill their obligations under desegregation decrees. -
Chater School Law
1991 - Minnesota passes the first "charter school" law. -
Smart Board
1991 - The smart board (interactive white board) is introduced by SMART Technologies. -
Speeding up school desegrigation
1992-The Supreme Court further speeds the end of desegregation cases. The Supreme Court rules that the adoption of race-neutral measures does not, by itself, fulfill the Constitutional obligation to desegregate colleges and universities that were segregated by law. -
First Charter School
1992 - City Academy High School, the nation's first charter school, opens in St. Paul, Minnesota. -
TABOR is the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, passed in 1992. TABOR prohibits any tax increase without a vote of the people. In addition, TABOR places strict limits on how much revenue the state can keep and how much it can spend. -
Common Ciriculum
1993 - The Massachusetts Education Reform Act requires a common curriculum and statewide tests (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System). As has often been the case, other states follow Massachusetts' lead and implement similar, high-stakes testing programs. -
First Online university
1993 - Jones International University becomes the first university "to exist completely online." -
Martin Brooks
learning best occurs through active construction of knowledge rather than its passive reception. Constructivist learning theory, with roots such as the work of Dewey, Bruner, Piaget, and Vygotsky, becomes extremely popular in the 1990s. -
1994 - Whiteboards find their way into U.S. classrooms in increasing numbers and begin to replace the blackboard. -
Imporving Americas Schools Act
increased funding for bilingual and immigrant education; and provisions for public charter schools, drop-out prevention, and educational technology. -
Netscape is available without cost to individuals and non-profit organizations. By the summer of 1995, more than 80% of internet users are browsing with Netscape! -
Desegrigation Goal
1995-The Supreme Court sets a new goal for desegregation plans: the return of schools to local control. It emphasizes again that judicial remedies were intended to be "limited in time and extent." -
First Universal Preschool
1995 - Georgia becomes the first state to offer universal preschool to all four year olds whose parents choose to enroll them. More than half of the state's four year olds are now enrolled. -
Banning of Race in College Admissons
1996-A federal appeals court prohibits the use of race in college and university admissions, ending affirmative action in Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi -
The Higher Education Act
1998 - The Higher Education Act is amended and reauthorized requiring institutions and states to produce "report cards" about teacher education -
Proposition 227
1998 - California voters pass Proposition 227, requiring that all public school instruction be in English. This time the law withstands legal challenges.