Education Timeline

  • Plessy VS Ferguson

    Plessy VS Ferguson
    Plessy VS Ferguson was a court case regarding civil rights in the early 1890's. It is that Coloreds and White were to be separate but equal. It all started with one man being on a white train car. It was segregation for blacks. For education, it meant that blacks were still unable to attend schools with whites but were still supposed to be equal.
  • WWI

    WWI was the start of standardized testing for America. High school enrollment also was on the rise during this time period. The Army would give these test to find out basic intellectual levels of their soldiers. These test are still around today.
  • PL 94-142

    PL 94-142
    PL 94-142 was designed to give a free and appropriate education to all. It is commonly referred to as the children with disabilities act. It ensures that an individual with a disability will have a free education, an IEP, special ed services, related services, due process procedures and a least restrictive environment.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was enacted in 2002 by President Bush. The goal was to track academic progression and ensure that highly qualified teachers were knowledgeable in the content they were teaching. It was trusted to ensure that schools and teachers were held accountable for their students.
  • Virtual Education

    Virtual Education
    Virtual education has become increasingly popular since the late 1990's but its growing popularity was tested in the early 2000's. Some even predict that virtual education will be taught in almost half of the high school classes by 2019.