Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
This court case ended "separate but equal." Basically saying that not all the segregated school were giving the same education. -
Larry P. v. Riles
This case said that you can not put an African American in a classroom for mild intellectual disabilities just because of racial bias. This made school officials develop a assignment to process children and not discriminate. In 1979, there was another ruling, because of a failure to comply to the first one, that said you could not use the IQ test to place students. (only in state of California) -
Mills v. Board of Education, DC
This case gave all students with exceptionalities a constitutional right to public education. It also said that children have a right to an education that is fit to their needs. Lastly, it said that parents have a right to be notified if there child is reevaluated or the school is cutting special services. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
This act is different from IDEA because it focuses on how students function. It says that students that have impairment in some type of life activity and have record of it they are required education. -
Public Law 94-142
This law, also known as IDEA, says that a free appropriate public education with special services is given to all students with handicaps. It also says that children with a handicap and their parents have a right to be protected. This also gives assists to the State and local to provided this care to students. -
Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley
This case shed light onto what was the "appropriate" education for a person with a hearing impairment. This did not mean that a student was given the tools to make the best achievements but they were given the opportunity to learn. -
Oberti v. Board of Education of the Borough, of Clementon School District
Students with a disability should be placed in a general class with supplementary aid before considering placing them in a separate class. Also students can not be placed in a different class just because curriculum has to be changed so they can learn. -
Public law 99-457
This is a expansion of PL 94-142. This says that all children ages 3-5 are to be given free appropriate education. States would lose funding if they did not do this and this law did not finally happen until 1992-1993 school year. -
Public Law 101-476 (1990 Amendments to PL 94-142)
This law was to change the name of PL 94-142 to a more people-first language. It also expanded related services by adding social work and rehabilitation counseling. -
Cedar Rapids Community School District v. Garret F.
This case states that health care not performed by a doctor that is necessary for a student is related service. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act said that all students should be proficient in math, science, and reading. Students will be tests annually from grades 3-8 and students 10-12 will be tested once. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
This act pushed more focus of special education from just having them to making sure students have achievements in them. -
Public Law 108-446
This law says that students with services are required to have those services on state-wide or district wide tests. -
Arlington Central School District Board of Education v. Murphy
Courts ruled that reimbursement for the cost of a learning expert are not required because in IDEA only attorneys fees were addressed. -
Winkelman v. Parma City School District
This states that parents have the right to represent their child in IDEA- related cases. This also meant that IDEA conveyed as a enforceable right to parents and children.