Education Technology history

By NaTh91
  • Dec 3, 1500


    A way to help for the transmission of ideas, the acces to informations as well as having a written copy of it.
  • Chalkboard

    Share informations with whole classroom
  • Educational Radio

    Educational Radio
    Allow student to listen/ have acess to the lesson anywhere they wanted but they were not able to ask questions if they would need clarifications
  • Educational film

    Educational film
    Still images were projected with at the same time an audio recording.
  • Microcomputer

    Microcomputers would allow children to complete basic tasks such as resolving a math problem but had to be done in a certain way. Basic games could be played on it but due to an restrictions of quality and quantity of software, they were able to do less than today
  • Educational Television

    Educational Television
    TV shows for children's learning, broadcasted at specific times during the day to allow teachers to use/ watch them during their lessons
  • Internet

    When internet appears, it was first used by academics and NAZA physicist. Then slowly reached houses and schools.
  • interactive whiteboard

    interactive whiteboard
    Allow teachers to share inforamtions with the students without having to write it down manually. It can be linked to a computer or directly to devices such as smartphones or tablets to share their informations
  • Today's technology

    Today's technology
    We are today using tablets, smartphones, internet/wifi which allow us to look for informations online directly from our devices. we can as well share informations via University website (Moodle)...