
Education in The U.S.

  • Period: to

    History of American Education

    This timeline will represent important events that occurred to shape what we now know American Education as.
  • Colonial Period

    Education during this time was gear mostly towards boys. They needed the general education of math, reading then receiving an apprenticeship to further they skills and knowledge.
  • Massachussettes Law of 1642

    TOP 5: Apprentices were given the responsibility to teach those boys assigned to them. They were also responsible for deciding what those boys learned. Anyone failing to meet these requirements would lose their child and be assigned to a new apprentice.
  • Noah Webster

    This man believed that America should cut the influence of the English in American education. He wanted to ban all British books and promote cultural independence. He believed that education should be about teaching about American heritage.
  • The Elementary Spelling Book

    The Elementary Spelling Book
    Noah Webster wrote the "Elementary Spelling Book" often called the "blue-back speller". This was one of the first American books written and intergrated in American Schools. By 1875, 75 million copies were sold.
  • Women's Academies

    For the longest time it was thought that women didn't need an education. As time passed, it was decided that women needed to receive a basic elementary education to be contributing citizens. During this time in the early 1800's women were now given opportunities to further there education. Women's Academies were opened to encourage women to go back to school.
  • Horace Mann

    TOP 5: Horace Mann greatly influenced education with his ideals on how it should be. He wanted to make public education so great that everyone would want to be a part of it. He also wanted to provide a free education for everyone. It didn't matter their skin color or the amount of money they had, he believed everyone should have an equal opportunity and that the states should be taxed to pay for education.
  • Committee of Ten

    During this time period there were many debates and discussions on the way that High School Education should be approached. Some people thought that rote memorization should be how students were taught, others thought they should focus their time and effort on critical thinking. After many discussions over a long period of time, the committee of ten, a group of educators recommended standardizing High School curriculum across the board. Their hopes were that this would promote equality.
  • Impact of Thomas Jefferson

    Impact of Thomas Jefferson
    TOPJefferson believed that all individuals needed to receive a basic education because they would eventually all become contributing citizens of society. He generated an idea to provide free education for EVERYONE for 3 years. At the end of those 3 years would select top students to be enrolled in High School for free. A select few achievers from High School would them be granted free admission to a college. Although this idea was shot down quickly, he planted a wonderful idea for the future.
  • Civil Right Movement

    Civil Right Movement
    TOP 5: The civil rights movement caused blacks and white to integrate in schools. Before this they were seperate. The whites and blacks would go to different schools. The blacks learning environment was not ideal and the whites were well taken care of. They had the idea that although they were seperated, they were equal. This created tension and a desire for equality.
  • NCLB Law

    The No Child Left Behind Law was a law generated by George W. Bush in 2001 to track the annual yearly progress with students in schools. They put an extra emphasis on math and science and also added mandatory testing for students each year. The idea of this was to keep students at the levels they need to be at. This also affected the way teachers taught because of the greater emphasis on test scores determining what level their students were on.