Girls' Schools
Differentiation of the Curriculum for Boys and Girls in Secondary Schools.
Books in Public Elementary Schools.
The Primary School: policies which were later enacted in the 1944 Education Act.
Infant and Nursery Schools.
Secondary Education with Special Reference to Grammar Schools and Technical High Schools: recommended the 'tripartite' system of grammar, technical and secondary modern schools.
The Public Schools and the General Educational System: considered how independent boarding schools might be integrated into the post-war education system.
School and Life: the first report of the newly-created Central Advisory Council for Education (England) was an inquiry into the transition from school to independent life.
Secondary School Examinations other than the GCE: the report of a Committee appointed by the Secondary School Examinations Council which led to the introduction of the Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) in 1965.
Higher Education: recommended a massive expansion of higher education provision to cater for all who had the necessary ability.
The Public Schools Commission: First Report: like Fleming in 1944, made recommendations about integrating private boarding schools into the state education system.
Teacher Education and Training: recommended major changes in the way teachers were trained.
Special Educational Needs: an important report on the education of children and young people with special needs.
School Examinations: the report of the Steering Committee established to consider proposals for replacing GCE O Level and CSE with a common system of examining at 16+.
Education for All: the final report of the Committee of Enquiry into the education of children from ethnic minority groups.
Advancing A Levels: its recommendations for broadening the sixth form curriculum were rejected by the Thatcher government.
The National Curriculum and its Assessment: Final Report: the Tories' National Curriculum and assessment arrangements were hopelessly complicated. Ron Dearing was called on to sort out the mess.
Education for citizenship and the teaching of democracy in schools recommended that citizenship education should be a statutory entitlement in the school curriculum.
Improving literacy and numeracy: a fresh start set out National Literacy Strategy and National Learning Targets.
A curriculum for excellence: Scottish Executive report of the Curriculum Review Group.
Diversity and Citizenship : said pupils should have the skills to 'participate in an active and inclusive democracy, appreciating and understanding difference'.
CSFC Testing and Assessment: report by the House of Commons Children, Schools and Families Committee said 'the national testing system should be reformed ... in such a way as to remove from schools the imperative to pursue test results at all costs'.
CSFC Report National Curriculum report by the House of Commons Children, Schools and Families Committee advocated a slimmed-down National Curriculum.
DfE The Framework for the National Curriculum: a report by the Expert Panel for the National Curriculum review.
CESC The English Baccalaureate: report by the Commons Education Select Committee on the government's proposals.
Review of Vocational Education.
Reform of provision for children and young people with special educational needs
Education and Adoption Bill