Education In America By Jennifer Burruss

  • The 10th Amendement

    Individual states take control of education when the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified.
  • Special Education

    The first school for children with mental disabilities opens in Massachusetts.
  • The First Kindergarten Class

    The first kindergarten in the United States is founded by Margarethe Schurz in Watertown, Wisconsin.
  • Physical Education

    The NEA announces its support of physical education in public schools.
  • Department of Education

    The first Department of Education is created
  • Parent Teacher Association

    The National Congress of Mothers is organized in Washington during a meeting attended by 2,000 people. Today, the group is known as the National Parent Teachers Association, or PTA.
  • Sex Education

    A sex education program is The National Education introduced citywide in public Highschools in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Mandatory attendance laws

    Mandatory school attendance laws are in place in every state.
  • Public Transportation

    All states have laws in place to provide public funding for school transportation.
  • Brown vs. Board of Edcuation

    The United States Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education is passed, making segregated schools illegal.
  • The 1st Calculator

    The first solid state electronic calculator was created in the early 1960
  • Bilingual Education Act

    Congress passes the Bilingual Education Act, providing the first funding to encourage schools to incorporate native-lan- guage education in their curriculum.
  • Title IX

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex, but becomes known most for legislating equal treatment and opportunity for girls in school athletics.
  • Education For All

    Congress approves the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, requiring states to provide free educa- tion for all children with disabilities.
  • Department of Education

    The U.S. Department of Education is established under the Department of Education Organization Act.
  • The Beginning of Computers in Schools

    25 % of high schools use PCs for college and career guidance, K-8 schools buying mostly Apple II and Macintosh computers, high schools buying mostly DOS-based clones.
  • Virtual Schools

    The first full-time online public schools began around 1994 in California
  • Blackboard Inc.

    Blackboard Inc. is an educational technology company with corporate headquarters in Washington, D.C.. It is used to share assignments, and post grades.
  • The Internet and Instruction

    The Internet is widely discussed as businesses begin to provide services and advertising using web pages. New graphics and multimedia tools are developed for the delivery of information and instruction using the Internet; many schools are rewiring for Internet access; a few schools install web servers and provide faculty with a way to create instructional web pages.
  • No Child Left Behind

    Signed into law by President George W. Bush, No Child Left Behind increases federal funding for education and ushers in standards- based reform.
  • Skype in The Classroom

    Skype was created in 2003, however wasn't introduced in the classroom until many years later. Skype in the Classroom is an online community that enables thousands of teachers to inspire the next generation of global citizens through transformative learning over Skype.
  • Facebook

    Facebook is an American online social media and social networking service company based in Menlo Park, California. Social Media Networks are cognitive tools that can support student learning.
  • Khan Academy/ Online Math Tutoring

    Khan Academy is a non-profit[6] educational organization created in 2006 by educator Salman Khan with a goal of creating a set of online tools that help educate students
  • Common Core Standards

    The Common Core State Standards Initiative is launched.
  • Percent of Adults using the internet

    85% of Adults reported using the internet. The majority of adults who said they didn't access it said it was not relevant to them or too difficult to use. Only 7% said it was due to a physical disability or lack of access.
  • Assistive Technology for Students With Dissablities

    In December 2014, the Arizona Department of Education announced a $260,000 federal grant among traditional public and charter schools in 12 districts to aid specifically with assistive education efforts. Through the grant, students with special needs can get personalized technology for iPads, notebook-size word processors and electronic pens that can scan words and display definitions.