
Education History Timeline

  • boston opens americas first public school

    Boston Latin school first established as a school for boys
  • Early colonial education

    Early colonial education
    Focused a lot on education so people could use it for religion.
  • Common School Movement

    Common School Movement
    the effort to fund schools in every community with public
    dollars, and is thus heralded as the start of systematic public schooling in the United States.
  • Boys Latin School

    Boys Latin School
    The first school specifically public, to prepare boys to go into college.
  • Quaker Established Friends Public School

    Quaker Established Friends Public School
    First ever public elementary school
  • Period: to

    Progressive era

    "aimed to improve the lives of workers, farmers, immigrants, women, and minorities by regulating businesses, protecting the environment, and expanding democracy."
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    Social rights movement for African Americans to be treated equally and put in schools with white kids.
  • brown vs board of education

    supreme court case said state laws declared that students couldn't go to the same public schools as it was unconstitutional.
  • Engle v. Vitale

    prohibits school from required prayer because of the first amendment.
  • Tinker vs Des Moines

    Students gain the right to express themselves in the classroom.
  • Lemon v Kurtzman

    Supreme court released a 3-part test determining if government actions violate the first amendment.
  • BOE vs Rowley

    Supreme court states that schools are required to provide instruction so each disabled child can exceed.
  • Plyer v Doe

    Supreme court decided states cannot deny public education to undocumented immigrant children.
  • New Jersey vs TLO

    public school officials can search a student without a warrant
  • US vs Lopez

    Court stated congress can't use the commerce clause to justify banning guns in school zones.
  • no child left behind

    main law for k-12 education in the US that held schools accountable for how they learned and achieved.
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    The no child left behind act

    a significant piece of federal education legislation. Its long title emphasized the goal of closing the achievement gap by promoting accountability, flexibility, and choice, ensuring that no child would be left behind
  • Forest Grove School District vs. T.A.

    Parents with disabled children can be reimbursed for private special attention