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Education History Timeline

  • First Private School

    The first private school was formed.
  • First Public School

    First Public School
    In 1635, the first public school was known as Boston Latin School. This school was located in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • First All Female Academy

    In 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the first all female academy was made. This was called the Young Ladies Academy.
  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    The Department of Education was formed.
  • American Federation of Teachers

    The American Federation of Teachers formed.
  • School Attendance

    Kids were required to attend school in every state.
  • First African Americans Attend Schools

    In 1954, black people were able to start attending public schools that included whites.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    The civil rights movement helped get others' into the education system.
  • Dress Code Laws

    First dress code laws came into effect after there were disciplining issues among students.
  • Covid 19 Effects Education

    Covid 19 Effects Education
    In March of 2019, schools had to close down due to the coronavirus also known as Covid 19. This effected learning because in person class time, was lost.