Brown v. Board of Education
This significant U.S Supreme Court ruling that allowed for African American Students to attend public schools serving white children. This helped pave the path toward the equal education among all races that still holds true in public schools across the United States today.
(Figure 2).
(Kaplan & Owings, 2015, pg. 154). -
Public Law 85-926
This was one of the first steps in the fight for inclusion in the classroom. Trained and prepared special education teachers began to argue for the rights of students with disabilities. This lead to the passing of other acts such as IDEA and spiraled into the amazing special education programs we have today.
(Figure 3)
(Kaplan & Owings, 2015, pg. 158). -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
This act introduced programs such as Head Start and Title 1 programs that are used today. Head start is an excellent option for lower income families, as well as Title 1.
(Figure 4).
(Kaplan & Owings, 2015, pg. 163-164). -
No Child Left Behind
This act is significant because it holds schools accountable for the achievement among different schools. Statewide testing is still done today to help track progress of the students, and funding can be received through this process.
(Figure 5.)
(Kaplan & Owings, 2015, pg.164) -
Virtual Education
As technology continues to grow and develop, virtual education has been integrated more and more. This is an excellent option for many students that need flexibility. This is becoming more popular in not only public k-12 schools, but also for college students as well.
(Figure 6).
(Kaplan & Owings, 2015, pg.169).