Early 20th Century Education

  • Addams and Starr establish Hull House in Chicago slums

    Addams and Starr establish Hull House in Chicago slums
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
  • California extends public education to children of immigrants

    California extends public education to children of immigrants
  • Addams writes The Public School and the Immigrant Child

    Addams writes The Public School and the Immigrant Child
  • Addams publishes autobiography, Twenty Years at Hull-House

    Addams publishes autobiography, Twenty Years at Hull-House
  • Montessori publishes The Montessori Method

    Montessori publishes The Montessori Method
  • John and Evelyn Dewey publish Schools of Tomorrow

    John and Evelyn Dewey publish Schools of Tomorrow
  • Free public schools and mandatory attendance for elementary

  • Bobbitt writes The Curriculum

    Bobbitt writes The Curriculum
  • Separation of primary and secondary education

  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

  • Counts writes Dare the School Build a New Social Order?

    Counts writes Dare the School Build a New Social Order?
  • Dewey writes Experience and Education

    Dewey writes Experience and Education