Education Evolution

  • Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996

    Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
    The illegal immigrant reform and immigrant responsibility act of 1996, (IIRIRA), prohibits states to allow undocumented immigrants to obtain in-state tuition unless it is available to all US citizens. This is important because allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain in-state tuition would be an unfair advantage that US citizens from other states would not get. If a university would allow for an undocumented student to get in-state they would have to allow all US citizens the same tuition.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The No Child Left Behind Act made it to where the government held the states accountable for their education systems. They were responsible for their students academic progress. This act was to be followed by every state, If the states decided not to follow the NCLB they were at risk for losing their federal Title 1 money. This is important because this is when I believe that states cared more about what education they were delivering to the future generations.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Act Link

    Individuals with Disabilities Act Link
  • Individuals with Disabilities Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Act
    The individuals with disabilities act allows disabled children the opportunity to get proper education. This includes a special education classroom as well as resources for parents that can help them at home. While they are in the special education class they will be preparing for furthering their education. This act is important because this allows special needs kids the chance to learn and be around other like minded people. They will be able to learn at their own pace as well as be social.
  • Common Core Link

    Common Core Link
  • Common Core Standards

    Common Core Standards
    Common core standards are used to prepare all students for college and a successful career in the community. Not all states have decided to use the common core standards in the classroom. The states that have adopted the standards are learning the same information and making it easier for military families if they need to move. The common core standards are important because it allows colleges to see what the students know based off of the same curriculum.
  • Race to the Top

    Race to the Top
    Race to the top is a $4.35 billion funded program to try and encourage reform and student outcomes. This allows for schools to be rewarded for past accomplishments as well as create an incentive for future accomplishments. Race to the top is important because it allows for schools to encourage their students so they get rewarded with new supplies for their school. This program allows for children to get competitive in a healthy way.
  • Waivers for NCLB

    Waivers for NCLB
    Obama introduces waivers in 2011 that allowed students to waive some requirements the states had to make specific reforms. This is important because Obama allowed for the states to give him feedback on education so he could improve what was going on. He know that this act was out of date and he wanted to see what the states thought would change to the act and what would make education better for the students in the future.
  • NCLB Waivers Signed

    NCLB Waivers Signed
    26 conditional waivers were approved in the US in 2012. This waives the states from bringing all students to proficiency on state tests and the teacher-quality requirements. By doing this the states promised to adopt college and career readiness standards. They also promised to have the teacher effectiveness measured by student outcomes, as well as, set alternative goals for student achievement. This is important because it is making educators have higher standards with their students.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    The every student succeeds act allows for schools to decide their curriculum the only requirements are to follow the framework that is provided by the government. The schools also have to make sure their curriculum is career and college prep courses. This is important because this act allows for the states to decide the curriculum while letting the parents weigh in their opinion. This allows for students to get the proper education and the parents to know that they will be prepared for society.