Maria Montessori opens her first school. -
Citywide Sex Ed
A sex education program is
introduced citywide in public
high schools in Chicago, Illinois -
Nationwide Compulsory Education
School attendance becomes
compulsory in every U.S. state. -
Haaren High School in New
York offers the first aviation
course to students. -
Driving Course
Pennsylvania is the first state to establish
a driving course for students, creating one
at State College High School. -
National School Lunch Act
The United States Congress
approves the National School
Lunch Act of 1946, creating the
modern school lunch program. -
Performing Arts
The School of Performing Arts is
the first public high school to
specialize in music, dance,
theater, and broadcasting. It is
a division of the Metropolitan
Vocational High School in
New York. -
U.S. spending on education reaches
$151.5 billion, up from $8.3 billion in 1950. -
Separate But Equal Repealed
The U.S.
Supreme Court
rules schools
segregated by
race are
unequal and
unconstitutional. -
Aid for religious schools
Series of Supreme Court cases dealing with
state plans for education aiding religious schools. -
Teacher of the Deaf Act
The Teacher of the Deaf Act is
enacted. It is designed to train
teachers to educate students
who are hard of hearing or deaf. -
School Breakfast Program
The School Breakfast
Program pilot is
launched. It becomes
permanent in 1975. -
Bilingual Education Act
Congress passes the
Bilingual Education Act,
providing the first funding
to encourage schools to
incorporate native-language
education in their
curriculum. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Congress approves
the Education for
All Handicapped
Children Act,
requiring states to
provide free education
for all children
with disabilities. -
Department of Education
The U.S.
Department of
Education is
under the
Department of
Organization Act. -
Parochial Schools
The U.S. Supreme Court
rules 5-to-4 that public
school teachers may not
teach in parochial schools. -
Eddie Eagle
The Eddie Eagle Safe Program is developed to help
parents, teachers, and law enforcement personnel to
teach preK-6th graders -
Sex Ed
The Education Act
of 1986 is expanded
to mandate biological
education about
HIV, AIDS, and sexually
diseases in public
schools. -
Proposition 187
Proposition 187 passes in California,
making it illegal for children of undocumented
immigrants to attend public school. -
Children of Baby Boomers
Children of U.S. baby
boomers swell school
enrollments to a record
51.7 million students in
the fall.