Impact of Jefferson on Education
Jefferson had proposed a bill that would provide 3 years of free tuition for everyone. He pushed for the establishment of grammar schools across the entire nation. -
Common School Movement
Students from wealthy families and poor families would now be able to receive an education. The goal was to teach a common body of knowledge, high quality, and funded with taxes. -
Committee of Ten
The Committee of Ten started as an effort to standardize the curriculum. The whole curriculum was dominated by college prep classes that trained students to develop skills. This has impacted education today as it was the beginning of the realization that schools needed to be more on the same page of what is being taught in the schools. -
Secondary School Movement
This movement pushed the opportunity to expand education beyond elementary school. Today this impacts education as public schools now require students to continue on to junior high and high school. -
Brown vs Board of Education
U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregation of educational facilities has no place in public education. This was a turning point for equalization in education. -
CIvil Rights Movement
The Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination against students based on race. To implement this new law the government pledged to withhold any funds from schools not complying. Immediate action took place across the nation. -
Elementary and Secondary Act
This Act provided 4 billion dollars to aid disadvantaged students. The government focused on the quality and equality of this education. -
Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
The Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act provided the opportunity for free, public, and appropriate education for kids with disabilities. -
Nation At Risk Report
The Nation at Risk report was a huge call to action in education. The first wave included testing of students and teachers to increase literacy, homework, basic skills, school day, and school year. The second wave emphasized parent involvement and teacher empowerment. -
School Choice Movement
The School Choice Movement pushed the idea that students and parents should have a choice where to go to school. This allowed both parent and student to personally select education opportunities.