Education 2020

  • Period: to

    Future of Education

  • Flipped Classroom

    Teacher PD on the flipped classroom
  • Start of the 2016-2017 School Year

    All Students and Parents are trained on expectations of 1:1 program with Mac AirBooks or IPads. K-2 Ipads and 3-5 Mac AirBooks
  • Technology Roll Out

    Technology Roll Out
    Mac Airbooks and Ipads Rolled Out to each grade level over the course of the next three weeks.
  • Textbook Take Backs

    All textbooks replaced with EBooks.
  • Online Courses

    Every high school student must take at least one online course during their high school career.
  • Library Conversion

    Majority of the Books are changed over to EBOOKs. We will no longer be purchasing paperbacks.
  • Half Day Courses

    High school students will have at least 2 online courses, possibly a college course. They will attend on a rotation and do job internships on the other days. With online courses, it frees up time to College and Career Readiness.
  • PaperLess

    Everything is virtual. High schools students are taking 3 online courses with teachers within their school. They meet only once a week and the teacher has office hours to meet. Assignments are submitted instead of "turned in".
  • Dual Langages

    Kindergarten students will be able to learn a foreign language beginning in Kindergarten. They will be able to carry this on for the rest of their educational career.