Period: to
The first "free school" opens in Virginia.
Harvard College is established as first higher education institution.
Most widely used school book used in England- New England Primer printed in Boston
First "English Academy" established by Benjamin Franklin.
Thomas Jefferson propose "two track education system".
First academy for girls is opened in the original 13 colonies.
Only public university to award degrees during the 18th century- University of North Carolina.
Invention of Modern Blackboard
The first public high school opens- Boston English High School
Massachusetts pass law- Towns of 500 families or more must have open public high school.
New England Asylum for the Blind
Louisville Kentucky appoints first school superintendent
First state funded school specifically for teacher education opens- Lexington Mass.
First mandatory attendance law established - Massachusetts.
First Kindergarten is started in Wisconsin
First practical fountain pen is created
First public community college is established - Illionis
First junior high school opens- Columbus Ohio
The first Scholastic Aptitude test is administered
First hand held calculators created
The equal education opportunities act is established
White boards make their way into classrooms
American reinvestment and recovery act
1.1 million bipartisan budget bill passed