Conquest and colony
Schools as evangewlistic institutions (culture of silence, opression and domination) -
Religious school
Convents instructedclerics in grammar and reading.
In centuries 16 and 17, the priest had a christianic education in public shools (monastic school) -
Santa fe convent
The first religious bachelor (soul saving) -
First universities linked to the church (Javerian, Saint Thomas) -
Jesuits were fired, profesors are changed
Francisco Escandón
Francisco critiques , influences the freedom of teching (teaching + practice - metaphisic).
Elementary school as a state function (free) -
Education influenced by the ilustration
know to write, read and vote -
Century XIX (independency)
Oficial education (elementary, general schools) starts organiced by the state -
First regular school
Religion, values and teaching in education as mandatory reading
Ospina decisions
Mariano Ospina (Colombia's president) decided to ban ''Escuelas Normales''. Also, he believed and supported The Private Sector (Private schools) -
Santanderistas Ideology
Freedom and Equality -
José Hilario López
Absolute freedom of education in our country -
Universidad Nacional de los Estados Unidos de Colombia
Education impulsed the delay -
Eustorgio Salgar
He radically reformed Education: Integral concepcion about educational problem ( Teachers,infrastructure, pedagogical conception,
political conception...) -
Pestalozzi's Ideas
Teachers implemented Pestalozzi method -
Rafael Núñez (Regeneration)
-Conciliation with the Church (Education control)
- Primary schools are organized -
20th Century
Education Organic Law: it improved the organization of primary, high school, professional, insdustrial,and artistic education.
The first 30 years: prohibited physical punishment in schools and restored retirement and pensions for teachers -
Change of purposes of subjective system
This had been caused as a result of impact the celebration had in Bogota of the first pedagogical congress National -
Pedro Nel Ospina
Considered as the starting point of the industrialization of the country and as a new stage of sociopolitical
Start the school movement "new school" by Agustin Grandson -
Decroly Ideas
Visited our Country one of the creators of the school movement active school -
Liberal Republic
Government of Olaya Herrera who had to live the crisis economic and budgetary that prevented any progress from the point of educational -
Autonomous Current
The government of Alfonso López Pumarejo of
where all levels of the education received a boost
modernizer -
School Board
Incorporate the individuals in the educational company of
state and is organized the Ministry of National Education -
Resolution 514
Establishes the official exam of high school -
The National Learning Service is created -
The five-year plan of education
Primary unification in five years both urban and rural
Division of secondary education in two cycles 1. Practices and techniques 2.Normal university -
Law 111
The state finances education -
Urban vs Rural
Suppresses legal discrimination between urban and rural education -
Documents for planning
For higher education in colombia -
Law 43
Promoted schema improvement primary Education Nationals -
Decree 2277
Teaching statute is adopted -
Law 24
Restructures the Ministry of National Education -
Education as a right of the person mandatory between 5 and 15 years -
Law 115
Contains the principles for management schemes and Teaching- Evaluation in Colombia -
Law 60
Defined the powers and functions of the three levels of the education
Decree thousand 719 Preparation and formalization of the 10-year educational development plan