500 BCE
First Recorded Instance of Mass Instruction
The Elder Sophists were a group of 5 teachers: Protagoras, Gorgias, Leontini, Prodikos, Hippias, Thrasymachus. Their procedures were "inherently systematic, the student always knew what was expected of him, how he might achieve his goals, and how well he was progressing." (Saettler, 2004) Image location:https://www.papermasters.com/images/sophists.jpg -
Jan 1, 1100
Development and Popularization of Scholastic Method
Pierre Abelard was one of the forerunners of modern educational technology. He is credited with the popularization of the scholastic method and similar to the Sophists, emphasized developing an attitude toward knowledge (Saettler, 2004). Image Location: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/Abelard.jpg -
Orbus Pictus (The World in Pictures) Published
Johan Comenius published the most popular illustrated textbook for children. The forerunner of modern educational technology (Saettler, 2004), you can see scaffolding and other modern techniques in his instructional principles. Image location: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/comenius-heritage-teacher-training-programe-18522/95/comenius-heritage-teacher-training-programe-4-728.jpg?cb=1177479150 -
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Pestalozzi wanted to psychoanalyze instruction. Similar to Comenius, Pestalozzi believed sense perception was necessary in developing clear conceptualization. (Saettler, 2004).
His own instructional methodology wasn’t directly as significant as it was for inspiring others in the field and their works. Frederich Frobel (Kindergarten) and Edward Sheldon (Oswego Schools) were two such individuals.
Image Location: (Saettler, 2004) -
Lancastrian Monitorial Instruction
Lancastrian Monitorial Instruction came about in the first half of the 19th century. It provided the basis for eventual support of free public schools. The classrooms were separated, students were grouped by ability, and many were able to be educated at little cost. The Lancastrian model explored most effective use of media and student grouping and studied motivation techniques (Saettler, 2004). Image Location: (Saettler, 2004) -
First American Kindergarten
At the beginning of the Kindergarten Movement, developed by Freidrich Wilhelm Froebel, The first American Kindergarten was a German-speaking class, established in Watertown, WI. Saettler, P. (2004). Early forerunners: Before 1900. In Saettler, P. (Ed.)The evolution of American educational technology. IAP, 23-51. -
Oswego Schools
The object-lesson plan became the first major attempt by an American educator to psychologize instruction.
Image Location: http://www.oswego-history.com/history-of-the-oswego-state-normal-school/ -
National Herbart Society was Organized at Saratoga Springs
Herbart expanded Comenius’ and Pestalozzi’s work to show the teacher could assimilate new concepts. He denied that mind existed at birth and had 5 step process to teaching. His contributions were significant in emphasizing psychological and scientific approach to learning and instruction (Saettler, 2004).
Image Location: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/historyofeducationaltechnology-130806074434-phpapp01/95/history-of-educational-technology-14-638.jpg?cb=1375775182 -
(ID) Jean Piaget (8/9/1896 to 9/16/1980)
The founder of cognitive constructivism. Piaget’s Schema Theory: Assimilation, Perturbation, Accommodation, New Scheme. Interest in constructivism led to interest in designing “authentic” learning tasks and other ways to improve instruction in the 1990s. Image Location: http://www.notablebiographies.com/images/uewb_08_img0554.jpg -
(IM) First School Museum Was Opened in St. Louis
Items in the museums such as photos, charts, films, and other instructional tools (mostly visual) were viewed as supplementary materials.
Image Location: http://whenintime.com/tl/jedwards43/historical_foundations_of_instructional_design__26_technology_/?te=Dashboard_Desc -
Period: to
(IM) Visual Instruction Movement Grows:
“Five national professional organizations for visual instruction were established, five journals focusing on visual instruction began publication, more than 20 teacher-training institutions began offering courses in visual instruction, and at least a dozen large-city school systems developed bureaus of visual education (Saettler, 1990)” (Reiser, 2001). -
Period: to
(IM) Audiovisual Instruction Movement:
o NEA’s Department of Visual Instruction (DVI) was established in July 1923.
o Existing National Professional Organizations for Visual Instruction Merge under the DVI in 1932.
o The three organizations for visual Instruction merge into the DVI which is now called AECT.
o Visualizing the Curriculum was published in 1937. -
(NEW & CONTRIBUTED) Likert Scale Developed
Rensis Likert developed the scale as a way of "measuring psychological attitudes in a “scientific” way." (Bertram, 2013) Bertram, D. (2007). Likert scales. Retrieved November, 2, 2013.
Photo Credit: https://rmsbunkerblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/likert-scale-2.jpg -
World War II
(IM) “With the onset of World War II, the growth of the audiovisual instruction movement in the schools slowed; however, audiovisual devices were used extensively in the military services and in industry “ (Reiser, 2001a) (ID) Psychologists and educators were called upon to help prepare training for the military. Among these individuals were prominent educational researchers Robert Gagne and Leslie Briggs. (Reiser, 2001b) -
(IM) Federal Government Establishes Division of Visual Aids for War Training 1941
(ID) American Institutes for Research Founded.
Following the war, institutions like this were founded for the purpose of solving instructional problems. Image Location: http://www.georgetowndc.com/media/public_images/2015/06/03/public_image_36.png -
(IM) FCC sets aside Educational Channels
• The Federal Communications Commission set aside 242 channels for educational purposes. Perceived as quick and inexpensive form of education (Reiser, 2001a).
• Up to 1963, the Ford Foundation spends more than $170 millinon on Educational Television.
• Educational Television falls in the mid 60s in part due to to poor quality. Ford Foundation pulls funding. Image Location: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/ee/NET1962bw.jpg/240px-NET1962bw.jpg -
(ID) The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching Published
Written by B.F. Skinner, it outlined his views on how to increase learning (stimulus response) and the processes (formative evaluation) and materials (programmed instruction) needed to make that happen.
Image Location: http://m.interactivetimeline.com/2884/history-of-instructional-design-and-technology/a/10.jpg -
(IM) Increase in Audiovisual Research
From 1956 to the mid 60s, more and more research projects were designed to determine how audiovisuals affected learning.
Image Location: https://amistadresearch.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/62a8d-amistad2baudiovisual.jpg -
(ID) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Published
Bloom’s Taxonomy described a series of hieratical learning outcomes and suggested that tests should be done to measure them. Image Location: https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/59/Bloomtaxonomy-e1445435495371.jpg -
(ID) Sputnik Launches
In response to the Soviet Union launching the first satellite into space, the US government spends millions to improve math and science education.
Image Location: http://www.coalwoodwestvirginia.com/images/NewsPaper1.jpg -
(ID) Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction Published
Robert Maeger’s book on how to write objectives for educators sold more than 1.5 million copies.
Image Location: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51FSXRNG5xL.jpg -
(ID) Robert Glaser uses Term: Criterion-Referenced Measures
Criterion-reference tests are used to measure performance based on predetermined criteria. Image Location: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2012/02/16/us/GLASER-obit/GLASER-obit-popup.jpg -
(ID) Robert Gagne Publishes the Conditions of Learning
Gagne lists 5 domains of learning: Intellectual Skills, Cognitive Strategy, Verbal information, Attitude, and Motor skills. Each domain consisting of its own set of conditions that will generate the different learning outcomes. He also lists 9 events of instruction that are essential for learning. Image Location: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/0f/9c/92/0f9c9247893142e637e88f93d7bdc936.jpg -
(ID) Formative vs. Summative Evaluation
Michael Scriven advocates for testing instructional materials before finalizing (formative evaluation). Similar processes were used by Lee Cronbach in 1963 and others before then but without the terminology. Susan Markle helped develop rigorous techniques that are still in use. Image Location: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c2/fd/9c/c2fd9c43a09c5868239dd8f23aaf8f79.jpg -
(IM) DAI changes name to AECT
Department of Audiovisual Instruction changed its name to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. -
First Microcomputer Invented
(IM) Computers were used prior for education as early as 1950 with Computer Aided Instruction, but didn’t rise in popularity for instructional purposes until the early 1980s. (ID) As popularity of microcomputers increased, professionals in Instructional Design begin to focus on computer-based instruction. Image Location: https://www.cnet.com/news/inside-the-worlds-long-lost-first-microcomputer/ -
(NEW & CONTRIBUTED) Laser Patented
Much work had already been done with lasers, but it was Gordon Gould who eventually patented the laser. This eventually gave rise to laser pointers in the 1980s. Image Source: http://www.morrisoninnovations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/High-Powered-Green-Laser-Pointer-2.jpg -
(ID) Journal of Instructional Development Published
This journal was published during a time when Instructional Design was flourishing. It would later become the development section of Educational Technology Research and Development. Image Location: http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/aect.site-ym.com/resource/resmgr/publicationimages/journal_of_instructional_dev.gif -
(NEW & CONTRIBUTED) Stereolithography is Invented (3D printing)
Charles Hull invents the printing process to create 3D objects. Read more about how it evolved here:
https://individual.troweprice.com/staticFiles/Retail/Shared/PDFs/3D_Printing_Infographic_FINAL.pdf Image Source: http://gizmodo.com/why-3d-printing-is-overhyped-i-should-know-i-do-it-fo-508176750 -
(NEW) AOL created
This dial up internet developed by Steve Case was originally called Quantum which would later be renamed America Online when it went public in 1991. It soared in popularity and paved the way for internet today. For more information: http://time.com/3857628/aol-1985-history/
Image Location: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dFuUCpBbbHw/maxresdefault.jpg -
(NEW) First Graphing Calculator
Casio’s fx-7000G was the first commercial graphing calculator. It used a 96x65 dot matrix to display graphs.
Read more about calculator history here: http://www.meta-calculator.com/blog/history-of-graphing-calculators-and-tools/
Image Location: http://www.meta-calculator.com/blog/history-of-graphing-calculators-and-tools/ -
Period: to
(ID) Performance Technology Movement
From the late 1980s to the 1990s. As instructional designers began to look at issues with performance, it was determined that training was not the issue and began to look to other causes which opened up the field of instructional design. -
(ID) World Wide Web invented.
Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web. Image Location: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mc6Uy368Um8/maxresdefault.jpg -
(NEW & CONTRIBUTED) Interactive Whiteboards Introduced
Interactive Whiteboards are widely used in classrooms today. They allow for much more versatility than chalkboards, whiteboards, or projectors do. Image Location: https://didatticacolweb2.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/interactive-whiteboards2.jpg -
(NEW & CONTRIBUTED) RosettaStone Created
Fairfield Language Technologies was founded. The name was changed to "Rosetta Stone" in 2006. It began as an immersion language software that has been branching out recently. More information about the history can be found here: http://www.rosettastone.com/history -
(NEW & CONTRIBUTED) First Baby Einstein Video Releases
The Baby Einstein Co., releases its first Baby Einstein video marketed as learning videos for infants and toddlers. DeLoache, J. S., Chiong, C., Sherman, K., Islam, N., Vanderborght, M., Troseth, G. L., ... & O’Doherty, K. (2010). Do babies learn from baby media?. Psychological Science.
Chicago Photo Credit:
https://www.earlymoments.com/upload/EarlyMoments/BabyEinstein/baby-einstein-logo.png -
(IM) Government Offers Funding for Solders to take Distance Ed Courses
“The Secretary of the United States Army announced that $600 million would be spent over the next six years to enable soldiers to take distance education courses via the Internet (Carr, 2000)." (Reiser, 2001a) Image Location:
http://images03.military.com/media/education/people/online-education-troops-412x274.jpg -
(NEW) Facebook Launched
Mark Zuckerberg began TheFacebook while attending Harvard University. Initially limited to those at Universities, the social media site has exploded in popularity.
More information here:
http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/ultimate-history-facebook-infographic Image Location: https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2016/01/22/09/facebooklogo.jpg -
(NEW) YouTube Launched
Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim created YouTube as a way to share videos on the internet. The site quickly grew and was later bought out by Google for 1.65 billion dollars in 2006. YouTube is used widely across many disciplines including education. Read more here: http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1990787,00.html
Image Location: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/s5y-4EpmfRQ/maxresdefault.jpg -
(NEW) First MOOC Created
The first Massive Open Online Course launched in 2008. It was called “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge/2008.” The concept was very popular and has paved the way for other open education programs such as Kahn Academy. Read more here: http://moocnewsandreviews.com/a-short-history-of-moocs-and-distance-learning/ Image Location: http://www.codlearningtech.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/mooc.jpg -
(NEW) First Apple iPad Released
The first apple iPad releases. Its portability and internet capabilities made it a valuable tool from the start. Since its release, it has been used widely in a variety of settings and continues to be used in schools today. Read more at: http://www.imore.com/history-ipad-2010 Image Location: http://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/80068/file-2048034671-jpg/ipads_on_school_wireless_networks-1.jpg -
(NEW & CONTRIBUTED) Watson Wins Jeopardy
"In 2011, the open-domain question answering system dubbed Watson beat the two highest ranked players in a two-game Jeopardy! match. " (Ferrucci, Levas, Bagchi, Gondek, & Muelleri, 2013) Used DeepQA technology developed by IBM. Ferrucci, D. f., Levas, A., Bagchi, S., Gondek, D., & Mueller, E. T. (2013). Watson: Beyond Jeopardy!. Artificial Intelligence, 199-20093-105. doi:10.1016/j.artint.2012.06.009 Photo Credit: http://watson2016.com/_images/watson_on_jeopardy.jpg