Evidence Based Research and Public Policy: National Reading Panel
Found techniques that is effective to teaching children learning:
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonics
- Vocabulary
- Comprehension
- Fluency -
No Child Left Behind
- Money comes from Federal Government
- Reading First grants
- Held schools accountable for student outcomes
Evidence Based Research and Public Policy: National Early Literacy Panel Report
Required students to learn:
- The letters and sounds of the alphabet
- Phonological awareness
- Rapidly name letters and numbers
- Write their name
- Write all letters
- Remember what was said to them for a while
- Can comprehend spoken language -
Evidence Based Research and Public Policy: Common Core Standards
- Created in 2007/2008
- Is not a method
- Is not a curriculum
- Many people got frustrated, so states wrote their own
Read to Succeed Legislation
- Ensures that South Carolina students graduate on time with the literacy skills that they need to use in the future.
Manhoff, R. (2019). Timeline PP. [6-10]